Research Projects and Useful Links


Current E-Health Projects by Trento Lawtech Researchers


Some members of Trento Lawtech (Umberto Izzo as scientific coordinator, Rossana Ducato, and Paolo Guarda) have been involved (2008-present) in a research commissioned to the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Trento by FBK (Fondazione Bruno Kessler) in order to explore, handle and solve the data protection & privacy issues raised by the development of “TreC – La Cartella Clinica del Cittadino” [3C – The Citizen’s Health Record].


This latter research project, financed by the Government of the Autonomous Province of Trento, purports to implement, with the key collaboration of APSS Trento (Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari di Trento), an integrated  E-Health system connecting all the public and private health providers of the Province.


The main idea upon which TreC has been developed is that citizens/patients, in their role of final users of the various players who on the whole contribute to the National Health Service, should be given access to a technology giving them the power of managing directly their health data and the rights that they have on these latter vis a vis the various health care providers. TreC is a patient-friendly web based technology, currently undergoing a phase of sperimentation subject to gradual releases, which makes this empowerment possible.