Meetings and Conferences

Gruppi di produttori e gestione dei segni del territorio, Il territorio come regola nei mercati agroalimentari, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, Università di Trento, 10 novembre 2016

Liability for Negligent Declarations of Conformity, Juristenrunde, Institute for European Tort Law, Vienna, 17 agosto 2016

Private Certainties: Contract, Information and Trust in Modern Supply Chains, Fourth Private Law Consortium, Oslo, Oslo University, 16 giugno 2016


La tutela delle indicazioni geografiche a livello internazionale, Diritto DiVino. Pratiche commerciali sleali, forme di pubblicità ingannevole, frodi alimentari, tutela del Made in Italy, promosso dall’Associazione Italiana Giovani Avvocati, Valdobbiadene (TV), 28 maggio 2016


Proprietà intellettuale, qualità e diritto alimentare, Convegno Qualità e sicurezza dei prodotti alimentari: l’eredità di Expo e il ruolo dell’avvocatura, Ordini degli Avvocati del Distretto della Lombardia Orientale, Cremona, 20 novembre 2015 



The property dimension of geographical indications, Progressive Property Workshop, 16 maggio 2015


Private Standards, Uncertainty and Liability: The Case of Food Standards, SecondMeeting of the International Research Network on Technological Innovations, Uncertainty and the Law of Civil Liability, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Università di Trento, 11 giugno 2014


La responsabilita’ precontrattuale [Pre-contractual Liability], Facolta’ di Giurisprudenza, Universita’ di Trento, 21 febbrario 2014


TRIPS, FTAs and Geographical Indications, International IP Seminar: Revisiting th TRIPS Agreement: Free Trade Agreements – Why and HOw?, Bocconi University, December 6, 2013


Informazione e qualita’ distintiva degli alimenti, Seminari di diritto alimentare comparato, Faculty of Law, University of Trento, November 15, 2103


Gli standard del settore alimentare tra luci ed ombre (Standard in the agro-food sector: lights and shades), Festival del diritto, Piacenza, September 28, 2013


The narratives of GIs, First Private Law Consortium, Tel Aviv, Bar Ilan University, June 27, 2013


The narratives of GIs, XXII Colloquium of Italian Association of Comparative Law, Salerno, May 31, 2013


The narratives of GIs, 4th Annual Workshop of the International Society for the History and Theory of Intellectual Property: “Intellectual Property as Cultural Technology”, London School of Economics, June 25, 2012.


Information and beyond: The Role of Private Certification Bodies, International Conference: Innovating Food, Innovating the Law. An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Challenges of the Agro-food Sector, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza (Italy), October 14, 2011


Consuming Identities? Of GIs, IP and Luxury Food, Seminar: IP Deluxe, McGill University, Faculty of Law, Montreal (Canada), September 16, 2011


Indicating Geography?  The Protection of Geographical Indications: A Tale from the Two Sides of the Atlantic,  McGill Intellectual Property Summer Academy, McGill University, Faculty of Law, Montreal (Canada),  June 17, 2011


Risk Perception, Food Governance, and Social Values: The Case of Mad Cow Crisis, 9th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics. Congress title: Eursafe 2010: Global Food Security: Ethical and Legal Challenges, Bilbao (Spain), September 17, 2010


Risk Perception, Culture, and Legal Change. A Comparative Study on Food Safety in the Wake of the Mad CowCrisis, EASST_010 Conference, Practising Science and Technology, Performing the Social, European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, Trento (Italy), September 3, 2010


Il ruolo del contesto socio-culturale nel processo di mutamento giuridico [The Role of the Socio-Cultural Context in the Process of Legal Change], Biennial Conference of young comparatists, Plenary Session, Italian Association of Comparative Law, Catania (Italy), May 28, 2010


Risk Perception, Culture and Legal Change, Faculty Workshop, University of New England, Armidale (Australia), March 25, 2010


Wine, Geographical Indications, and IP. A Comparative Analysis of US, European and Australian Experiences, Trento Intellectual Property Summer Academy, Faculty of Law, Trento (Italy),  June 19, 2009


A Coordinated Approach to the Law of Civil Liability in the Agro-Food Industry, Doctoral Workshop in Law and Technology, European University Institute, Fiesole (Firenze, Italy), June, 5 2009 


Ruolo del diritto e mutamento giuridico in Giappone [Role of the Law and Legal Change in Japan], East Asia Law Course, Trento (Italy), Faculty of Law, May 14, 2008 


Sicurezza alimentare e responsabilità civile [Food Safety and Tort Law], Comparative Private Law Course, Trento (Italy), Faculty of Law, May 22, 2007 


La responsabilità del produttore in Giappone [Product Liability in Japan], East Asia Law Course, Trento (Italy), Faculty of Law, May 15, 2007 


Food safety, risk perception and culture, Boston University, School of Law, Boston (USA), April 3, 2007 


Il danno da fumo tra regolamentazione e risarcimento: considerazioni in tema di informazione, dissuasione e limiti cognitivi degli individui [Tobacco-related Damages between Regulation and Tort  Liability: Information, Dissuasion and Cognitive Limits of Individuals], Comparative Private Law Course, Faculty of Law, Trento (Italy), May 16, 2006


La disciplina del commercio elettronico [The Regulation of the E-Commerce], School for the Legal Professions, Faculty of Law, Verona (Italy), April 22, 2006  


Il contenzioso per responsabilità da fumo in Italia e Francia [Tobacco Litigation in Italy and France], Comparative Private Law Course, Faculty of Law, Trento (Italy), May 10, 2005


La responsabilità civile in odontoiatria [Malpractice in Odontoiatry], University of Verona, Department of Forensic Medicine, Verona (Italy), March 13, 2004