Umberto Izzo
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF PRIVATE LAW, Faculty of Law, University of TrentoSince December 16th, 2013, according to the Italian National Scientific Qualification (art. 16 of the Law 30 December 2010, n. 240): ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE LAWSince December 24th, 2013, according to the Italian National Scientific Qualification (art. 16 of the Law 30 December 2010, n. 240): ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF PRIVATE LAWCo-Director of the Trento LawTech websiteDirector of the thematic website The Law of Tourism SportsFormer Member of the Editorial Board of ROARS (2016-2023)Telephone: +39-0461-283883Fax: +39-0461-281899Address for correspondence: Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Via Verdi, 53 – 38122 Trento, ITALYOffice location: Trento – Via Rosmini 27 – II floor, Room 28Email: umberto.izzo@unitn.itFacebook: quote: the FEDRO’s UniversityArticles published in ROARS (Return On Academic Research and School) concerning the difficult life and dark prospects of the Italian University system.PAST POSITIONS AND TITLESAggregate Professor of Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, University of Trento (2005-2014)Post Ph. D positions (2001-2004)Ph. D. in Private Comparative Law (1995-1999)Bar qualification (1997)J.D. (1988-1992)MAIN PUBLICATIONS
MOST RECENT PUBLICATIONSSEE THE LIST OF ALL PUBLICATIONSWorks available in AcademiaADDITIONAL POSITIONS AND MEMBERSHIPS– MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF PROFESSORS OF THE DOCTORAL SCHOOL COMPARATIVE AND EUROPEAN LEGAL STUDIES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO (2008-present)– MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF PROFESSORS OF THE COURSE OF MAGISTRAL DEGREE IN MANAGEMENT OF SUSTAINABILITY AND TOURISM (MAST) OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO– RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CURRICULUM OF “PRIVATE LAW, COMPARATIVE PRIVATE LAW AND COMMERCIAL LAW” OF THE DOCTORAL SCHOOL COMPARATIVE AND EUROPEAN LEGAL STUDIES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO (2015-2022)– RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FACULTY OF LAW OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO FOR THE PROJECT “DIGITAL UNIVERSITY“– VICE-PRESIDENT (2022-present) of THE DATA PROTECTION COMMITTEE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO– MEMBER OF THE EDITORIAL BOARD OF DANNO E RESPONSABILITÀ – GIUSTIZIA CIVILE – RIVISTA DI DIRITTO SPORTIVO – BIODIRITTO– MEMBER OF THE SCIENTIFIC BOARD OF RIVISTA ITALIANA DI DIRITTO DEL TURISMO– FORMER MEMBER OF THE ITALIAN ASSOCIATION OF COMPARATIVE LAW (AIDC)– MEMBER OF THE ITALIAN ASSOCIATION OF FOOD LAW (AIDA)– FOUNDING MEMBER OF THE ITALIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF OPEN SCIENCE (AISA)– FORMER MEMBER OF THE EDITORIAL BOARD OF RETURNS ON ACADEMIC RESEARCH (ROARS)– REVIEWER for the following Law Review: Il Foro italiano, Danno e responsabilità, Archivio giuridico sassarese, Comparative Law Review, Rivista italiana di diritto del turismo, Rivista di diritto agroalimentareSUPERVISED THESIS (NOT INCLUDED Ph. D. DISSERTATIONS):235 (as of January 2024)SUPERVISED POST Ph. D.– dr. Antonio Seminara (2021-22) Food Law– dr. Rossana Ducato (2014/2015/2016/2017) Information law, Privacy, E-Health Law– dr. Matteo Macilotti (2010/2012; 2013/15) Biobanks– dr. Paolo Guarda (2010), E-Health Law– dr. Matteo Ferrari (2008/2010) Wine RegulationsSUPERVISED Ph. D.– Filippo Di Sabato (XL series, 2027) at Ph d School of Università europea di Roma, together with prof. Alberto Gambino– Samuel Scandola (XXXV series, 2023). Thesis defended: Bargaining Power Imbalances in Platform-To-Business Relations: Between Competition Law and Regulation– Filippo Zemignani (XXXV series, 2023). Thesis defended: Regole per l’innovazione: responsabilità civile e assicurazione d fronte all’auto a guida (progressivamente) autonoma– Camilla Serraiotto (XXX series, 2018), Thesis defended: “Responsabilità civile e valore della solidarietà” (Civil Liability and Solidarity)– Maria Assunta Cappelli (XXVIII, 2015), Thesis defended: “Regulation on safety and civil liability of intelligent autonomous robot. The case of smart cars”– Matteo Macilotti (XXI series, 2009), Thesis defended: La disciplina delle biobanche tra proprietà, privacy e brevetti: un’analisi comparata (The Governance of Biobanks between Property, Privacy, and Patent Law: A Comparative Analysis)– Matteo Ferrari (XX series, 2008), Thesis defended: Risk Perception, Culture and Legal Change. A Comparative Study on Food Safety in the Wake of the Mad Cow Crisis– Silvia Winkler (XIX series, 2007), Thesis defended: Forme alternative di risoluzione del contenzioso in materia di responsabilità medica: un’indagine comparata (ADR Models in Medical Malpractice: a comparative analysis)– Benedetto Sieff (XVIII series, 2005), Thesis defended: Responsabilità civile e standard di sicurezza. Analisi di un rapporto sul paradigma dell’attività di produzione e rigenerazione di dispositivi medici (Tort Law and Safety Standards. Analysis of a Relationship against the Backdrop of the Production and Refurbishment of Medical Devices)TEACHING EXPERIENCEMain classes:CIVIL LAW – 49 hours /7 credits (2011-present)COMPARATIVE TORT LAW – 42 hours /6 credits (2005-2011)COMPARATIVE FOOD LAW – 42 hours/6 credits (2010-present)TOURISM LAW – 36 hours/6 credits (2016- present)SPORT LAW – 48 hours/6 credits (2020-present)Labs/short courses:Globalization and Critical Legal Studies (with Cesare Salvi and Mario Barcellona) – 20 hours/2 Credits course (2021) SAFETY REGULATIONS AND LIABILITY RULES IN THE PRACTICE OF MOUNTAIN SPORTS & LEISURE ACTIVITIES – 20 hours/2 Credits Course (2008-2016)COMPARATIVE LEGAL ISSUES CONCERNING THE GOVERNANCE OF RESEARCH BIOBANKS – 20 hours/3 credits (2010)WINE LAW – 20 hours/2 Credits Course (2009)FOOD SAFETY ISSUES IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE – 20 hours/2 Credits Course (2009-2008-2007)COMPARATIVE MEDICAL MALPRACTICE (with prof. Lara Khoury, visiting from McGill University) 20 hours/4 Credits Course (2008)ASSESSING AND QUANTIFYING PAIN & SUFFERING: AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE TRENTINO’s COURTS CASE LAW – 20 hours/2 Credits Course (2006)CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LIABILITY ARISING FROM SKIING ACTIVITIES: AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE TRENTINO’s COURTS CASE LAW – 20 hours /2 Credits Course (2005)THE MEDICAL MALPRACTICE PHENOMENON: AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE TRENTINO’s COURTS CASE LAW – 20 hours /2 Credits Course (2003)RESEARCH PROJECT AWARDS (as first investigator)2020 – (with M. Ferrari) “Internet of Food – La digital transformation del sistema enogastronomico italiano – IoF”, funded by Okkam (56.000);2016 – “Legal Issue Surrounding the Storage and Exchange of Data Produced by an ECG Machine via a Cloud-Computing Platform”, funded by Cardioline (40.000);2015/2016 – “D-FAB – DRONES FOR FINDING AVALANCHE-BURIED”, funded by the University of Trento (16.400);2014/2016 – “TREBIONET: Trentino Biomolecular Oncological Network”, funded by Azienda Provinciale dei Servizi Sanitari di Trento” (37.000);2013/2014 – “BIOBANK CLOUD COMPUTING: analysis of typologies of data and information fluxes for biomedical research, with a special focus on their treatment using cloud computing technology”, funded by Dedagroup s.p.a (35.000);2008/2013 – The Implementation of the Citizen’s Electronic Health Record in the Province of Trento: Legal Issues – In collaboration with Fondazione Bruno Kessler, funded by the Trentino Autonomous Province (114.000 Euro);2011/13 – AIRC 5×100 – Legal and Bioethical Support for the Establishment of a Research Biobank Providing Implants of Human Cancer Tissues in Animal Models, funded by Fondazione Piemontese per l’Oncologia and by Fondazione per la Ricerca Biomedica Onlus Torino (50.000 Euro)2009 – Coordination of a Research on the Local Case Law concerning Civil and Criminal Liability Arising from the Practice of Winter Sports – Funded by the Fondazione Forense Bolzano (4.000 Euro);2008/2009 – Legal Issues concerning the Role of Certification Authorithies in the Food Sector – Fondazione Mach (10.000 Euro);2007/2009 – Wine Law – Restatement of the National Regulations Concerning the Production and Marketing of Wine – Funded by the Italian Wine Producer Association – Verona (44.000 Euro);2004/2005 – Research on the case law concerning the ski-related civil and criminal liability case law issued by courts of the Trento Province in the period 1975-2005, funded by Associazione Roveretana per la Giustizia (20.000 Euro)2005 – Privacy Policies in Demographic Services – Trento Province Government – Funded by the Demographic Department (12.000 Euro);2003/2004 – Privacy Issues in the Public Health Care Service – Bolzano Province Government – Funded by the Health Department (20.000 Euro)PARTICIPATION TO RESEARCH PROJECTS (as member of the research group)2015/2018 – De la Responsabilité Civile à la Socialisation des Risques (Directed by Christophe Quézel-Ambrunaz, Centre de Droit Privé et Public des Obligations et de la Consommation, Université de Savoie). Members: Du CDPPOC de Chambéry: Philippe Brun; Laurence Clerc-Renaud; Geneviève Pignarre; Sébastien Pimont; Du Centre de droit privé de l’Université Lyon III: Johann Le Bourg; Olivier Gout; Du Centre de Recherches en droit privé de l’Université de Tours: Julien Bourdoiseau; Olivia Sabard; Collaborateurs internationaux: Ken Oliphant, University of Bristol Law School; Marta Infantino, Faculty of Law of the University of Trieste, Umberto Izzo, Faculty of Law of the University of Trento.2012-2014-2016-present – Research Network “Innovations technologiques, incertitude et droit de la responsabilité/Technological Innovation, Uncertainty, and Tort Law”, McGill University – University of Grenoble – University of Trento – University of Durham – University of Bristol – University of Chambery – University of Brest – University of Pennsylvania – University of Laval2011/2008 – FIRB Genetic Testing and Biobanks: Bioethics Problems between Law and Society Test genetici e biobanche: problemi bioetici tra diritto e società (Former First Investigator: prof. Stefano Rodotà; Final First investigator prof. Carla Faralli) – Member of the Trento Research unit led by prof. Giovanni Pascuzzi (72.000 Euro);2007/2008 – “The Global Challenge of Vaccination: Legal Challenges, Ethical Conundrums”, Co-directors prof. Arthur Kaplan, Center for Bioethics – prof. Eric A. Feldman Faculty of Law – University of Pennsylvania;2003/2004 – “Reprocessing Medical Devices: Safety in Cardiology and Cardiochirurgy SICC (SIX)”, Principal investigator Prof. Giovanni Pascuzzi;2001/2002 – “The Epidemiology of Medical Malpractice Litigation in the Autonomous Province of Trento”, research commissioned by Autonomous Province of Trento Government; Principal investigator Prof. Giovanni Pascuzzi;2001/2002 – Prin National Project “Copyright in the Information Technology Society: software, database, multimedia” National Principal investigator Prof. Enrico Pattaro, Head of the Trento Research Unit: Prof. Giovanni Pascuzzi;1996/1997 – (as member in charge of drafting the Italian National Report) “Blood Transfusions and AIDS: Common Threat, National Responses”, coordinated by prof. Ronald Bayer, Joseph L. Mailman Professor of Public Health and prof. Eric A. Feldman, Associate Director, Institute for Law and Society, New York University: contributions to the international seminars of Florence (July 1996), Annecy (December 1996) and Bellagio (June 1997).