









Events which have already taken place 




       4th International Plagiarism Conference


21-23 June, 2010, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

See the program (slides and videos available) 



Law & Technology Seminars 2010


 Scientific Coordinators:  Roberto Caso and Umberto Izzo 



Wednesday April 21 
 Time: 15.00 -19.30 
 Place: Room 7 
 Special seminar (various speakers) - see the program
“Plagio e creatività alla luce dell’evoluzione tecnologica: un dialogo tra diritto e arti”
“Plagiarism, Creativity, and Technological Evolution: Arts and Law in Dialogue” 
Wednesday April 28
 Time: 15.00 -19.30 
 Place: Conference Room 
 Special seminar (various speakers) - see the program
“Plagiarism in Science and Technological Evolution”