Italian Legislation
Legislative Decree, 30 June 2003, n. 196, Personal Data Protection Code |
General Authorisation of the Italian Privacy Authority 22 February 2007, General Authorisation for the Processing of Genetic Data |
Legislative Decree 6 november 2007 n. 191, Implementation of the Directive 2004/23/CE on setting standards of quality and safety for the donation, procurement, testing, processing, preservation, storage and distribution of human tissues and cells (Available only in italian language) |
Law 22 February 2006 n. 78, Implementation of the Directive 98/44/EC on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions (Available only in italian language) |
Comitato Nazionale per la Biosicurezza, le Biotecnologie e le Scienze della Vita, RACCOLTA DI CAMPIONI BIOLOGICI A FINI DI RICERCA: CONSENSO INFORMATO, February 16, 2009 (Available only in italian language) |
Agreement State-Regions under Legislative Decree August 28 (1997), n. 281 |