General Bibliography






GIBBONS S., HEENEY C., KAYE J., PARKER M., SMART A. (eds.), Governing Biobanks: Understanding the Interplay Between Law and Practice, Hart Publishing, due in 2011








KAYE J., STRANGER M. (eds.), Principles and Practice in Biobank Governance, Ashgate, 2009


BRAY D., Wetware: A Computer in Every Living Cell, Yale University Press, 2009


STAYN S., Biobanking of Blastocysts for Research To Improve Human Health: The Need for Coherent National Policy, Stanford Journal of Law, Science and Policy, 2009


DEHAYES C.L., Managing Global Biospecimen and Data Collection & Placement Programs, Stanford Journal of Law, Science and Policy, 2009


GRIGORENKO E.L. , BOUREGY S., Biobanking on a Small Scale: Practical Considerations of Establishing a Single-Researcher Biobank, Stanford Journal of Law, Science and Policy, 2009


GIBBONS S. M. C., Regulating Biobanks: A Twelve-Point Typological Tool; 17 Med. Law Rev. 2009,  pp. 313-346


BORRY P.,  DIERICKX K., New Challenges for Biobanks: Ethics, Law and Governance, Intersentia, 2009





ELGER B.,  BILLER-ANDORNO N.,  MAURON A.,  CAPRON A. M., Ethical Issues in Governing Biobanks, Ashgate, 2008


SLEEBOOM-FAULKNER M., Human Genetic Biobanks in Asia: Politics of Trust and Scientific Advancement, Routledge, 2008


GOTTWEIS H., PETERSEN A., Biobanks: Governance in Comparative Perspective, Routledge, 2008


EDWARDS L.C., Tissue Tug-of-War: A Comparison of International and U.S. Perspectives on the Regulation of Human Tissue Banks, 41 Vand. J. Transnat’l L., 639 (2008)




HAYRY M., CHADWICK R., ARNASON V., ARNASON G., The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases, Cambridge University Press, 2007


V. LAUNIS, RÄIKKÄ J., Genetic Democracy: Philosophical Perspectives, Springer, 2007


GREELY H.T., The Uneasy Ethical and Legal Underpinnings of Large-Scale Genomic Biobanks, 8 Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 343 (2007)


CAMPELL V., The Ethical Challenges of Genetic Databases: Safeguarding Altruism and Trust, 18 King’s Law Journal, 227 (2007)


KAYNE J., Do we Need a Uniform Regulatory System for Biobanks across Europe?, 14 (2) European Journal of Human Genetics 245 (2006)

KNOPPERS B., KENT A., Ethics Watch: Policy Barriers in Coherent Population-Based Research, 7 Nature Reviews Genetics, 8 (2006)
KNOPPERS B.M., Biobanks: New Challenges for Bioethics and Biolaw, in Iustitia, 2006, n. 59, 47


KNOPPERS B.M., Biobanking: International Norms, 33 J. Law Med. Ethics 832 (2005)

BOGGIO A., Charitable Trust and Human Genetic Databases: The Way Forward?, 1 Genomics, Society and Policy 41 (2005)

DESCHENES M., SALLEE C., Accountability in Population Biobanking: Comparative Approaches, 33 J.L. Med. & Ethics, 40 (2005)

KLAUS L.H., RICHARD T., ‘Ethics Was Here’: Studying the Language-Games of Ethics in the Case of UK Biobank, 15 (4) Critical Public Health 385 (2005)


BROWNSWORD R., Regulating Human Genetics: New Dilemmas For A New Millennium, 12 Med. Law Rev., 2004, pp. 14-39

GUTTMACHER A.E., COLLINS F.S., Welcome to the Genomic Era, 349 N. Eng. J. Med., 996 (2004)

MCHALE J.V., Regulating Genetic Databases: Some Legal and Ethical Issues, 12 Med. Law Rev., 2004, pp. 70-96

ERIKSSON S., Should Results from Genetic Research Be Returned to Research Subject and Their Biological Relatives?, 8 Trames J. Humanities Soc. Sci., 46 (2004)

MCHALE J.V., Regulating Genetic Databases: Some Legal Ethical Issues, 12 Med. Law. Rev., 70 (2004)

CAMBON-THOMSEN A., The Social and Ethical Issues of Postgenomic Human Biobanks, 5 Nat. Rev. Gen. 866 (2004)

KAYE J, HELGASON H.H., NOMPER A., WENDEL L., Population Genetic Database: A Comparative Analysis of the Law in Iceland, Sweden, Estonia and the UK, 8 Trames, 15 (2004)

KORTS K., WELDON S., GUÐMUNDSDÓTTIR M.L., Genetic Databases And Public Attitudes: A Comparison Of Iceland, Estonia And The UK, 1-2 Trames, 131 (2004)


KNOPPERS B.M., Population and Genetics. Legal and Socio Ethical Perspectives, Hotei Publishing, 2003

AZAROW K, Olmstead F., Hume R., Myers J., Calhoun B., Martin L., Ethical Use of Tissue in Genetic Research, 168 Mil. Med., 437 (2003)

BAEYENS A.J. ET Al., The Use of Human Biological Samples in Research: A Comparison of the Laws in the United States and Europe, 5 Bio-Sci. L. Rev. 155 (2003)


HARRISON H., Neither Moore nor the Market: Alternative Models for Compensating Contributors of Human Tissue, 28 Am. J. L. and Med. 77 (2002)


KAYE J., Genetic Research on the UK Population – Do New Principle Need to be Developed?, 7 Trends in Molecular Medicine, 528 (2001)


ASHBURN T.T, WILSON S.K., EISENSTEIN B.I., Human Tissue Research in the Genomic Era of Medicine: Balancing Individual and Societal Interests, 160 Arch. Intern. Med. 3377 (2000)

INDECH B., The International Harmonization of Human Tissue Regulation: Regulatory Control Over Human Tissue Use and Tissue Banking in Select Countries and Current State of International Harmonization Effort, 55 Food Drug L.J., 343 (2000)

EISEMAN E., Stored Tissue Samples: an Inventory of Sources in the United States, in, National Bioethics Advisory Commission, Research Involving Human Biological Materials: Ethical Issues and Policy Guidance, 2000, Vol II, D1-D5

KAYNE J., MARTIN P., Safeguard for Research Use Large Scale Dna Collection, 321 BMJ, 1146 (2000)


KNOPPERS B., LABERGE C.M., La généteique humaine: de l’information à l’informatisation, Litec, Parigi, 1992, 42

BERSON B., The Taking of Human Tissue for Research and Commerce: A Comparison of U.S. And French Approaches, 10 Wisconsin Inter. L. J. 348 (1992)


KNOPPERS B., L’integrità del patrimonio genetico: diritto soggettivo o diritto dell’umanità?, in Pol. Dir., 1990, 341