September 12, 2014
Rossana Ducato participates at the Conference “ETIC – Etica e Tecnologie dell’Informazione e della Comunicazione”, University of Pavia.
June 30 – July 1
Umberto Izzo with the collaboration of Rossana Ducato and APIHM organize the “Giornate di Studio L’attuazione della Sanità Elettronica. La prospettiva europea e i profili giuridici, tecnologici e organizzativi del fascicolo sanitario elettronico“, Faculty of Law, University of Trento
May 30-31
Umberto Izzo and Rossana Ducato present the paper “The Minors’ Right to Control their Information and the Governance of Supersensitive Data within Patient-Centered E-Health Systems” at the 6th ICIL “Lifting Barriers to Empower the Future of Information Law and Ethics“, Thessaloniki. See our presentation:
March 20-21
Paolo Guarda and Rossana Ducato talk on “Personal Health Records: legal issues” at the I national workshop “Dal taccuino al PHR”, Aula Grande, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento
November 30
Paolo Guarda talks about “Blue sky above the Cloud: challenges and chances for e-health” at the International Conference “Getting around the cloud(s) – Technical and legal issues on Cloud sevices”, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa
February, 19
Umberto Izzo talks about “Privacy Issues in the TreC Project”, within the international seminar “TreC Project: A Personal Health Record system for Citizens. Project Overview, Security and Privacy Issues“, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Aula grande, Via Sommarive 77, Trento, ore 11-13.
December 5
Lawtech Seminar with the partecipation among the others of Umberto Izzo and Rossana Ducato, “Sanità elettronica e amministrazione di sostegno: scenari tecnologici e prospettive applicative”, Trento, Faculty of Law
November 30
Presentation by Paolo Guarda “Fascicolo sanitario elettronico e protezione dei dati personali: il ruolo del paziente tra nuovi scenari ed antichi rapporti”, within the ISH – International Security Hospital 2011, Roma
November 25
Presentation by Umberto Izzo, “Come cambia la privacy nella sanità elettronica partecipata: spunti in tema di diritto e tecnologia” [How Privacy Is Changing within E-Health Systems Open to Patients: Remarks in a Law and Technology Perspective], within the National Conference “Forum Risk Management in Sanità 2011: Innovazione e e sicurezza nei percorsi territorio-ospedale-territorio“, Arezzo, November 22-25, 2011
October 17
Presentation by Paolo Guarda, “La privacy dei dati sanitari e genetici nel contesto digitale” within the Workshop “BIOCRITTO 2001”, Faculty of Science, University of Trento, Povo (detailed program on the website)
May 14
Giovanni Pascuzzi – Conference: “Gestione del rischio clinico“, Panel: “Le professioni a confronto”- Bari, Hotel Palace, Lecture: “Camera di conciliazione” (Medical Malpractice Mediation Panels)