Law & Technology Biblio

The bibliography listed below focuses on bibliographical entries of scientific contributions aimed at exploring the relationship between law and technology.


The focus is on the broader conceptual and methodological problems of this relationship, which the contributions selected in the list explore as a general issue, while also focusing on specific legal topics where the more general terms of this relationship can be tested on the field.


Our bibliography lists in cronological and alphabetical order titles of (paper-published) works, such as books and articles appeared in journals or published as part of a book.


It is a work in progress, which attempts to cover scientific contributions written in several languages, among  which Italian, English, French and Spanish. 







Féral-Schuhl C., Cyberdroit 2010/12, Paris, Dalloz, 2010


Fitzgerald B. F., Access to Public Sector Information: Law, Technology and Policy, Sydney, Sydney University Press, 2010


Kelly K., What Technology Wants, New York, Viking, 2010 


Izzo U., Alle origini del copyright e del diritto d’autore: tecnologia, interessi e cambiamento giuridico, Roma, Carocci, 2010


Murray A., Information Technology Law: the Law and Society, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010


Pascuzzi G., Il diritto dell’era digitale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2010






Depoorter B., Technology and Uncertainty: The Shaping Effect on Copyright Law, 157 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1831 (2009) 


Galindo F., Derecho, gobernanza y tecnologías de la información en la sociedad del conocimiento, Zaragoza, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2009


Granieri M., Colangelo G., De Michelis F., Introduzione ai contratti per il trasferimento di tecnologia: profili contrattuali e di diritto della conoscenza, Bari, Cacucci, 2009


Meritxell Fernández-Barrera (ed.), Law and Technology: Looking into the Future. Selected Essays, Firenze, European Press Academic Publishing, 2009


Peso Navarro E., Vocabulario español actualizado de iustecnología de la información, 2009


Riley C., The Rite of Rhetoric: Cognitive Framing in Technology Law, 9 Nev. L.J. 495 (2009)






AA. VV., The Changing Role of Academic Law Librarianship: Leading Librarians on Teaching Legal Research Skills, Responding to Emerging Technologies, and Adapting to Changing Trends, Boston, Aspatore Books, 2008


Brownsword R., Rights, Regulation, and the Technological Revolution, Oxford, Oxford University press, 2008


Hyland M., Carey L., Technology and IP Law, Haywards Heath, Tottel, 2008


Knops H.P.A., A Functional Legal Design for Reliable Electricity Supply: How Technology Affects Law, Antwerpen, Intersentia, 2008


Linzer P., From the Gutenberg Bible to Net Neutrality – How Technology Makes Law and Why English Majors Need to Understand It, 39 McGeorge L. Rev. 1 (2008)


Mifsud Bonnici J.P., Self-regulation in Cyberspace, The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press distributor, 2008


Romeo Casabona C.M. (ed.), Biotecnología, Desarrollo y Justicia, Bilbao, Catedra Derecho y Genoma Humano, 2008






Brenner S.W., Law in an Era of “Smart” Technology, Oxford, New York, Oxford University Press, 2007


Cockfield A., Pridmore J., SYMPOSIUM: TOWARD A GENERAL THEORY OF LAW AND TECHNOLOGY: A Synthetic Theory of Law and Technology, 8 Minn. J.L. Sci. & Tech. 475 (2007)


Gifford D. J., SYMPOSIUM: TOWARD A GENERAL THEORY OF LAW AND TECHNOLOGY: Law and Technology: Interactions and Relationships, 8 Minn. J.L. Sci. & Tech. 571 (2007)


Korobkin R., Munzer S.R., Stem Cell Century: Law and Policy for a Breakthrough Technology, New Haven, London, Yale University Press, 2007


Lenk C., Hoppe N., Andorno R., Ethics and Law of Intellectual Property: Current Problems in Politics, Science and Technology, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007


Matwyshyn A. M., SYMPOSIUM: TOWARD A GENERAL THEORY OF LAW AND TECHNOLOGY: Commerce, Development, Identity, 8 Minn. J.L. Sci. & Tech. 515 (2007) 


Noah L., Law, Medicine, and Medical Technology: Cases and Materials, New York, N.Y., Foundation Press, Thomson West, 2007





Cox N., Technology and Legal Systems, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006


Leenes R., Koops B.J., de Hert P., Brenner S.W., Constitutional Rights and New Technologies: A Comparative Study, Nationaal Programma Informatietechnologie en Recht, Tilburg Iinstitute for Law, Technology, and Society, The Hague, TMC Asser Press for for ITeR, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006


Sherwin R. K., Feigenson N., Spiesel C., Law in the Digital Age: How Visual Communication Technologies Are Transforming the Practice, Theory, and Teaching of Law, 12 B.U. J. Sci. & Tech. L. 227 (2006)


Solove D. J., Rotenberg M., Schwartz P. M., Privacy, Information, and Technology, New York, Aspen Publishers, 2006


Supiot A., Homo Juridicus. Saggio sulla funzione antropologica del diritto, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2006, 139 ss.






Barbieri A., Cablaggio e telecomunicazioni, rapporto fra diritto e tecnologia, in Immobili e dir., 10, 7(2005)


Reidenberg J.L., Technology and Internet Jurisdiction, 153 U.Penn. Law Rev. 6, 1951(2005)


Van Hoorebeek M., Law, Libraries and Technology, Oxford, Chandos Pub., 2005






Dodd Church E., NOTE: Technological Conservatism: How Information Technology Prevents the Law from Changing, 83 Tex. L. Rev. 561 (2004) 


Izzo U., Rigenerazione di dispositivi medici e responsabilità: Verso nuovi equilibri fra tecnologia, medicina e diritto, in Danno e resp., n.7, 769 (2004) 


Lessig L., Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity, New York, Penguin Press, 2004


Pascuzzi G. (a cura di ), Diritto e tecnologie evolute del commercio elettronico, Padova, CEDAM, 2004


Rodotà S., Diritto, scienza, tecnologia: modelli e scelte di regolamentazione, Riv. critica dir. privato, 2004, 35






Fitzgerald B.F., Bassett G., Legal Issues Relating to Free and Open Source Software, Brisbane, Queensland University of Technology, School of Law, 2003


Jensen C., The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same: Copyright, Digital Technology, and Social Norms, 56 Stanford Law Review 2, 531 (2003)


Nicoll C., Digital Anonymity and the Law: Tensions and Dimensions, The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press, 2003


Resta F., Paradigmi giuridici e tecnologia digitale, Dir. informazione e informatica, 2003, 579






Pascuzzi G., Caso R. (a cura di), I diritti sulle opere digitali: copyright statunitense e diritto d’autore italiano, Padova, CEDAM, 2002


van Klink B. M. J., Prins C., Law and Regulation: Scenarios for the Information Age, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2002






Friedman D., Does Technology Require New Law?, 25 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 71 (2001)


Irti N., Severino E., Dialogo su diritto e tecnica, Roma, Bari, Laterza, 2001


Lederman E., Shapra R. (ed.), Law, Information, and Information Technology, Kluwer Law International, 2001


McCullagh D., Technology as Security, 25 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 129 (2001)


Mengoni L., Diritto e tecnica, in Riv. trim. dir. proc. civ., 1 (2001)


Picker C. B., A View from 40,000 Feet: International Law and the Insible Hand of Technology, 23 Cardozo L. Rev. 149 (2001)






Lagares García D., Internet y el derecho: tecnología y jurisprudencia, dos conceptos obligados a entenderse, Barcelona, Carena, 2000


Muir Wood A.M., Science and Technology in the Eye of the Law, London, Royal Society, 2000


Spinello R.A., Cyberethics: Morality and Law in Cyperspace, Boston, Jones and Bartlett, 2000


Susskind R., Transforming the Law: Essays on Technology, Justice, and the Legal Marketplace, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000






Lordi A., Tecnologia e diritto: una ipotesi di lavoro, in Informatica e dir., 2, 77 (1999) 


Shapiro M. H., Is Bioethics Broke?: On the Idea of Ethics and Law “Catching Up” with Technology, 33 Ind. L. Rev. 17 (1999)





Alldridge P., Mumford A., Gazing into the Future Through a VDU: Communications, Information Technology, and Law Teaching , 25 Journal of Law and Society 116 (1998)





Rosenberg N. et al., Scienza, tecnologia, società alle soglie del XXI secolo (atti del congresso – Stresa, 25/26 ottobre 1996), Giuffrè, Milano, 1997 


Wagner DeCew J., In Pursuit of Privacy: Law, Ethics, and the Rise of Technology, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1997


Yannopoulos G., Modelling the Legal Decision Process for Information Technology Applications, Boston, Kluwer law and taxation, 1997






Mancini E., La tecnologia da strumento a infrastruttura della società civile: riflessioni su Stefano Rodotà, Riv. internaz. filosofia diritto, 1996, 199


Susskind R.E., The Future of Law: Facing the Challenges of Information Technology, Oxford, Clarendon Press, New York, Oxford University Press, 1996






Jasanoff S., Science at the Bar: Law, Science, and Technology in America, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1995 [Italian Edition: Tallacchini M. (ed.), La scienza davanti ai giudici: la regolazione giuridica della scienza in America, Milano, Giuffrè, 2001]


Katsh E., Law in a Digital World, New York, Oxford University Press, 1995


Lyndon M. L., Tort Law and Technology, 12 Yale J. on Reg. 137 (1995)


Mackaay E., Poulin D., Trudel P., The Electronic Superhighway: The Shape of Technology and Law to Come, The Hague, London, Kluwer Law International, 1995


Rodotà S., Tecnologie e diritti, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1995


Spantingati F., La complementarietà fra tecnologia e diritto, Jus, 1995, 53





Lewis P.S.C.(ed.), Law and Technology in the Pacific Community, Boulder, Westview Press, 1994






Hammond G., Electronic Technology: Law and the Legal Mind, 26 Cornell Int’l L.J. 167 (1993)





Lachs M., Thoughts on Science, Technology and World Law , 86 The American J. of International Law 4, 673 (1992)





Martin P. W., How New Information Technologies Will Change the Way Professors Do and Distribute Scholarship,  83 Law Libr. J. 633 (1991)







Feenberg A., The Ambivalence of Technology, 33 Sociological Perspectives 1, 35 (1990)


s.n., Developments in the Law – Medical Technology and the Law, 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1519 (1990)





James J., Watanabe S., Technology, Institutions and Government Policies, London, Macmillian, 1985





Aa.VV., Proceedings of the First Law and Technology Conference, Houston (TX), Gardner, 1983