Law & Technology Centers
Center for Science and Innovation Studies, UC Davies – University of California (USA)
Center for Technology, Innovation, and Competition, Faculty of Law, University of Pennsylvania (USA)
Berkeley Center for Law and Tecnology, University of California, Berkeley (USA)
Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University (USA)
Center for Technology, Policy and Industrial Development, MIT – Boston (USA)
Centre For Intellectual Property Policy, McGill University, Montreal (CA)
Centre for Law, Technology and Society, University of Ottawa (CA)
Program on Law and Technology at Calumbia Law School, Columbia Law School (USA)
Stanford Program in Law Science and Technology, Stanford University (USA)
High Tech Law Institute, Santa Clara University Law School (USA)
HumGen – A Centre for Genomics and Policy, McGill University, Montreal (CA)
YaleLawTech – The web site for Law and Technology Courses held at the Yale Law School