Trento Lawtech Events Series


Law & Technology Events 2010

Scientific Coordinators:  Roberto Caso and Umberto Izzo


Tuesday March 9

         Time: 15.00 -17.00

         Place: Room 5

         Speaker: Laurent Manderieux (Luigi Bocconi University, Milano)

         “Dall’Università al mercato, dal mercato all’Università: l’importanza dei diritti di proprietà   intellettuale

“From Universities to the Marketplace, from the Marketplace to Universities: The Importance of Intellectual Property Rights”

Wednesday March 17 

         Time: 11.00 -13.00

         Place: Conference Room

         Speaker: Laurent Manderieux (Luigi Bocconi University, Milano)

“Trasferimento tecnologico: le nuove Guidelines in materia di proprietà intellettuale”

 “Technology Transfer: The New Intellectual Property Guidelines”

Monday April 12

          Time: 15.00 -17.00

          Place: Room 5

          Speaker: David Nelken (University of Macerata/University of Wales, Cardiff)

Discussants: Giuseppe Bellantuono, Matteo Ferrari, Umberto Izzo, Giovanni Pascuzzi, (Trento University)

“Contesti socioculturali e cambiamento giuridico nel rapporto fra cibo e diritto alimentare” 

          “Sociocultural Contexts and Legal Change in the Food/Food Law Relationship”

Wednesday April 21

          Time: 15.00 -19.30

          Place: Room 7

          Special seminar (various speakers) – see the program

“Plagio e creatività alla luce dell’evoluzione tecnologica: un dialogo tra diritto e arti”

          “Plagiarism, Creativity, and Technological Evolution: Arts and Law in Dialogue”

Monday April 26

          Time: 15.00 -17.00

          Place: Room 5

          Speaker: David Lametti (McGill University)

“Le virtù della proprietà intellettuale”

“The Virtues of Intellectual Property”

Wednesday April 28

          Time: 15.00 -19.30

          Place: Conference Room

          Special seminar (various speakers) – see the program

“Plagiarism in Science and Technological Evolution”

Wednesday May 5

          Time: 10.30 – 12.00

          Place: Conference Room

          Speaker: Richard Gold, McGill University  

“The Imcompleteness of Law: How Social Norms Mediate Legal Rules”

          Time: 17.00 -18.30

          Place: Conference Room

          Speaker: Gideon Parchomovsky, University of Pennsylvania/Bar Ilan University

 “Private and Open Access Property”

Monday May 10

         Time: 17.00 -18.30

         Place: Conference Room

         Speaker: Gideon Parchomovsky, University of Pennsylvania/Bar Ilan University

“Torts and Innovation”

Wednesday May 12

          Time: 10.30 – 12.00

          Place: Conference Room

          Speaker: Richard Gold, McGill University  

“The Role of the University and Technology Transfer”

Monday May 17

          Time: 15.00 – 18.00

          Place: Conference Room

Speakers: Umberto Izzo, Roberto Caso (University of Trento)

“L’interazione fra tecnologia e interessi nell’evoluzione del copyright e del diritto d’autore: passato e presente”

          “The Interplay of Technology and Interests in Shaping Copyright and Diritto d’Autore: Past and   Present”

Monday October 25


          Time: 11.00 – 13.00

          Place: Conference Room

Discussants: Roberto Pardolesi (Luiss University), Laurent Manderieux (Bocconi University), Roberto Caso (University of Trento)

Presentation of the Book

“La gestione della proprietà intellettuale nella ricerca universitaria. Invenzioni accademiche e trasferimento tecnologico”

          by Massimiliano Granieri (University of Foggia) – Il Mulino – Bologna 2010

Time: 15.00 – 19.00

          Place: Conference Room

Speakers: Roberto Pardolesi, Laurent Manderieux, Roberto Caso, Giovanni Pascuzzi, Irene Lincesso, Antonella Del Robbio, Piero AttanasioMassimiliano Granieri, Andrea Rossato, Simonetta Vezzoso


“Google Books: meraviglia o minaccia dell’era digitale?”

“Google Books: Marvel or Threat of the Digital Age?”

Friday December 3

          Time: 11.00 – 13.00

          Place: Room 1

Speaker: Ginevra Peruginelli (CNR ITTIG di Firenze)

“L’informazione giuridica multilingue: metodologie e tecniche di ricerca”

“Multilingual Legal Information: Methodology and Research Tecniques”