lawtech • The Law and Technology Research Group
Trento Lawtech announces the forthcoming publication of La responsabilità civile e penale degli sport del turismo: la montagna [Civil and Criminal Liability of Tourism Sports: The Mountain], the first book of a series of three covering...
DECEMBER 11, 2012. Conference organized by Matteo Macilotti entitled “Diritto e multidimensionalità del corpo umano” [Dimensions of the Human Body and the Law], Sala Conferenze, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Università di Trento. Conference speakers will be: Stefano Rossi,...
Congratulations to Alexandra! Her thesis “The Intellectual Property and Open Source approaches to biological material”, supervised by Roberto Caso, won the prestigious national award sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce of Turin. The theme of the...
The Trento Law and Technology Research Group – Student Paper Series is available online (free download here) LATEST PAPER PUBLISHED: Piccin, Chiara (2012) Dalle Alpi ai Pirenei: analisi comparata della responsabilità civile per attività turistico-ricreative legate...
Trento Lawtech former visiting professor, David Lametti from McGill University, who will be returning to Trento in Spring 2013, has just published a truly innovative article on the Virginia Journal of Law & Technology, framing the...
The Trento Law and Technology Research Group – Student Paper Series is available online (free download here) LATEST PAPER PUBLISHED: Perri, Thomas (2012) Copynorms: Norme Sociali e Diritto d’Autore = Copynorms: Social Norms and Copyright. Trento...
The Trento Law and Technology Research Group – Research Papers Series is freely available online (download here) LATEST PAPER PUBLISHED: Research PAPER N.11 Diventare avvocati e riuscire ad esserlo: insegnare l’etica delle professioni forensi attraverso...
The Trento Law and Technology Research Group – Student Paper Series is available online (free download here) LATEST PAPER PUBLISHED: Zuccato, Alessandra (2012) L’export vitivinicolo negli Stati Uniti: regole di settore e prassi contrattuali con particolare...
The Trento Lawtech Research Group congratulates Valentina Moscon, who by unanimous decision was assigned the fourth “Premio Nazionale Vittorio Frosini” by a Scientific Committee composed by prof. Pietro Rescigno, prof. Tommaso Edoardo Frosini and prof. Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich.
The Trento Lawtech Research Group congratulates prof. Giuseppe Bellantuono, who has been qualified as Full Professor of Comparative Private Law at the end of a comparative evaluation held in the past months.
I think that the following thoughts by a young Polish poet born in 1981 are a powerful depiction of how Internet has changed our way of thinking and is shaping our system of values and believes....
Lawtech has organized a series of seminars/round tables given by prominent Italian Law professors for the Ph D candidates of the Trento Doctoral School in Comparative and European Legal Studies, which are part of the Lawtech...
Rileggendo Charles W. Elliot, di Umberto Izzo Poco più di un secolo fa l’uomo che in qualche decennio aveva saputo trasformare un provinciale college bostoniano nell’università leader della scena accademica statunitense, destinata a diventare il centro di eccellenza mondiale a...
The Trento Law and Technology Research Group – Research Papers Series is freely available online (download here) LATEST PAPER PUBLISHED: Research PAPER N.9 Eccezioni e limitazioni al diritto d’autore in Internet = Exceptions and Limitations to...
Tuesday December 20, 2011, Umberto Izzo e Roberto Caso will take part to a seminar organized by Pasquale Beneduce in the Aula Magna of the University of Cassino: Dal torchio al digitale: materiali interdisciplinari su proprietà intellettuale,...
The Trento Law and Technology Research Group – Research Papers Series is freely available online (download here) LATEST PAPER PUBLISHED: Research PAPER N.8 Open Access to Legal Scholarship and Open Archives: Towards a Better Future? =...
A new paper, by Thomas Margoni and Mark Perry, has been published in the prestigious Canadian Intellectual Property Review. The paper analyzes the peculiar protection offered in Europe to critical and scientific editions of public domain...
The Trento Law and Technology Research Group – Student Paper Series is available online (free download here) LATEST PAPER PUBLISHED: Equo compenso e diritto d’autore: un’analisi comparata = Fair Compensation and Author’s Rights: a Comparative Analysis...
Thursday, October 6, 2011 Meeting room, Second floor – Faculty of Sociology – Trento Program 9.00-9.10 Renato G. Mazzolini (U. Trento), Introduction 9.10-10.00 Pasquale Beneduce (U. Cassino) discusses the book by Umberto Izzo, Alle origini del...
The Trento Law and Technology Research Group – Student Paper Series is freely available online (download here) LATEST PAPER PUBLISHED: STUDENT PAPER N.5 Conciliare la responsabilità medica: il modello “generalista” italiano a confronto col modello “specializzato”...