Reseach interests



I work on topics which allow to explore the intersection between interdisciplinary approaches and a comparative perspective. Here are some examples:

1) The comparative analysis of regulatory systems, with specific reference to the energy and climate sector, the electronic communications sector, the water sector and the transport sector.

2) The comparative law and economics of contract law

3) Behavioral law and economics

4) Comparative law and development, with specific reference to the legal underpinnings of the Sustainable Development Goals



2000: Italian Ministry for University project on Comparative and economic analysis of institutions and institutional complexity of governance models in the perspective of incomplete contracts theory, national coordinator prof. Francesco Silva

2001: Italian Ministry for University project  on Software agents and electronic commerce: comparative and economic analysis of legal rules, national coordinator prof. Giovanni Sartor

2002: Italian Ministry for University project  on The governance of intellectual property: contractual incompleteness, institutional complementarity and alternative policies for innovation and development, national coordinator prof. Ugo Pagano

2005: Italian Ministry for University project  on Advanced digital technologies and liability. Economic and comparative analysis, national coordinator prof. Giovanni Comandè

2005-2007 Leading researcher of the project on Consumers’ interests and energy regulation, funded by the European Commission, DG Sanco

2018-2021 Innovative Training Network Project Human-Centric Energy Districts: Smart Value Generation by Building Efficiency and Energy Justice for Sustainable Living, call H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018, coordinator dr. Kostas Galanikas (Nottingham Trent University)

2019-2022 coordinator of local unit, project of national interest (PRIN 2017) on Autonomous Vehicles and New Technologies in Trasport: Market Design and Legal Issues, coordinator prof. Tommaso Valletti (University of Rome – Tor Vergata)