Meetings and Conferences

29-31 March 2009, Conferenza “Governance of New Technologies: the Transformation of Medicine, Information Technologies and Intellectual Property”, Università di Edimburgo, relazione dal titolo, “Property and Privacy in the Regulation of Research Biobanks”.


23-24 May 2009, Conferenza “Bioethics and Biobanks” presso l’Università di Bologna, con una relazione dal titolo “Proprietà e privacy nella regolamentazione delle biobanche a fini di ricerca” (Property and Privacy in the regulation of reserach biobanks)


The Legal Status of Human Tissue Materials, Doctoral Workshop in Law and Technology, European University Institute, Fiesole (Firenze), June, 5 2009 


The Material Transfer Agreement and the Research Biobanks, Trento Intellectual Property Summer Academy, Trento, Faculty of Law, June, 19 2009


28-29 January 2010, Pisa, Palazzo  alla Giornata (Rectorate of University), BIOETHICS and HUMAN TISSUES, European Consensus Meeting, speech “The Legal Status of Biobanks”


7-8 May 2010, Trento, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Comparative Issues in the Governance of Research Biobanks:  Property, Privacy, Intellectual Property, and the Role of Thecnology, speech “Reshaping Informed Consent in the Biobank Context” and “The Role of Material Transfer Agreements in Biobanking”


June 3-4, 2010 – Matteo Macilotti – “Forum Biodiritto 2010”, Lecture “Civil Law Aspects of Biobanks”, Ferrara, Faculty of Law


June 30, 2010 – Centro EuroMediterraneo di Ronzano, Bologna – “From Genetic Testing to Prophylactic Surgery: Workshop on the Legal and Ethical Problems in the Treatment of the Hereditary Mammalian Cancer”, speech, “Patents over BRCA 1/2 Genes and the Implications for Genetic Testing in Italy”


12 July 2010, Università degli Studi di Pavia, “2010 Law&Science Young Scholars informal Symposium”, speech,  “Dna e Brevetti tra Patents e Patenting”


September 20-22, 2010 –International Data Sharing Conference,  presentation by Matteo Macilotti, Can “Open Source” Models Be Used for the Traslation of Research Results?, University of Oxford, Hugh’s College


December 1, 2010 Presentation by Matteo Macilotti: “The Legal Status of Human Tissue and the Notion of Corporality in Biobanking”, Connection Meeting, HeLex Center, University of Oxford


January 19-21, 2011  Presentation by Matteo Macilotti,  Building a Theoretical Framework for Human Tissues Regulation, within the conference, The future of Biobanking in Europe: Searching for Answers to the Ethical and Legal Challenges of Human Tissue Research, University of Göttingen. 


September 14, 2011 – Presentation by Matteo Macilotti, Biobank Governance: A Bridge Between Patients and Researchers,  within the “35° National Congress of the Italian Society of Pharmacology” – Bologna