Selected Meetings and Conferences



Invited speaker at the conference “Questions to the Sezioni Unite of the Italian Corte di Cassazione concerning the intepretation and application of the  ‘Compensatio Lucri cum Damno’ principle”, held in the Aula Magna della Suprema Corte di Cassazione, Roma, January 31, 2018.


Seminar “Ciivil liability and welfare of the injured party in light of the compensatio lucri cum damno principle“, held at the Ph. D. School in Law of the University of Catania, May 27th, 2016


Invited speaker on “Civil liability on a slippery slope: the current evolution of ski law”, at the National conference Civil and Criminal Liability in Mountain organized by the Rivista di diritto sportivo, Cortina, Febrary 5th, 2016


Talk about “Italian and Comparative Food Law – Duties and Social Responsibility: new perspectives? – Food law Litigation: individual and collective actions” within the SUMMER SCHOOL EXPO 2015 – Global Business, sustainability and food rights, organized by the Milano Bicocca University, June 19, 2015.


Organizer and Chairman at the conference “L’attuazione della Sanità Elettronica. La prospettiva europea e i profili giuridici, tecnologici e organizzativi del fascicolo sanitario elettronico” [The Implementation of E-Health: The European perspective and the legal, technological, and organizational issues surrounding the “Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico (FSE)], hosted at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento on June 30-July 1, 2014


Organizer and panelist at the Second Biennial Meeting of the International Research Network on Technological Innovations, Uncertainty, and the Law of Civil Liability, held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento, June 10-13, 2014. Title of the presentation “Technology, Uncertainty and Precautionary Information: The Case of Food Law”.


Panelist (with V. Moscon) at the Second Edition of the Private Law Consortium held on May 11-12, 2014 at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pennsylvania. Title of the presentation: “Better to Kill than to Maim? Loss of Life as an Autonomously Recoverable Damage of the Primary victim in Personal Injury Law”


Organizer and chairman of the Seminar The International and Comparative Dimension of Food Law, held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento on February 21, 2014. 


Talk at the Winter Universiade International and Interdisciplinary conference on “University Sport: Inspiring Innovation” held in Rovereto, Mart Auditorium, on December 10, 2013. Title of the talk: “Safety and Liability in the Practice of Skiing: How Law and cognitive Sciences Shape the Driving Force of Winter Tourism Destinations”


Organizer and panelist of the Trento Lawtech Comparative Food Law Seminar held on November 15-16, 2014 at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento. Title of the presentation: “Information and Liability: The Private Enforcement of Food Law”


Presentation at the 22th Biennial Conference of the Italian Association of Comparative Law held on May 31- June 1, 2013 at the University of Salerno. Title of the presentation: “The Multiple Roles of Information in European Food Law: From a Coherent Regulatory Framework to the Private Enforcement of Food Law?”


(with R. Caso) Scientific organizer of – and discussant at – the Trento Lawtech Seminars 2013


Talk on “The optimal allocation of the social costs of skiing via civil liability rules and insurance”  at the conference “Montagna e responsabilità” [Mountain and Liability] held on May 3, 2013 at the Faculty of Law of Trento. During the conference it was presented the first book (“Mountain”) of the Treatise on “Civil and Criminal Liability in the Sports of Tourism“. Web site of the event available here.


Presentation Il “contratto sulla neve” preso sul serio: due modelli di contratto per la fruizione delle aree sciabili e per l’insegnamento dello sci [The Contract Enabling the Skier to Access and Use the Ski Area] presenting the model contract drafted for the Region Lombardy Ski Resorts and the Consumer Association, at the Fifth European Ski Law Forum, Bormio, December 15, 2012


Presentation “Il ruolo dell’informazione nel diritto alimentare” [The Role of Information in Food Law] within the seminar “La sicurezza alimentare e la valorizzazione delle produzioni del territorio: l’azione della Provincia autonoma di Trento”, Auditorium del Centro Servizi Sanitari della Azienda provinciale dei servizi sanitari, Trento, November 27, 2012.


Presentation “Tort Law, Uncertainty, and the Concept of Precautionary Information. Accommodating the Operational Meanings  of the ‘Traditional Concepts’ of Negligence and Strict Liability in the Reality of the Digital Information Era”, within the international seminar “Innovations technologiques, incertitude et droit de la responsabilité/Technological Innovation, Uncertainty, and Tort Law”, held at the McGill University, Faculty of Law, with the partecipation of the Faculty of Law of the University of Grenoble, Montreal – Canada, July 3-6, 2012.


Talk at the Conference “Funzione ‘normativa’ della giurisprudenza di legittimità e commisurazione del danno non patrimoniale”, (here a follow up) Aula Magna della Suprema Corte di Cassazione, Roma, May 23th, 2012


Scientific organizer of the series of seminars “Pensare la responsabilità civile, oggi” [Thinking Tort Law, Today], Faculty of Law, University of Trento, March 2012 


Scientific Organizer of the series of seminars “Dialoghi con i dottorandi” [Conversations with the Ph D Candidates”, Doctoral School of Comparative and European Legal Sciences, University of Trento, March 2012


Panelist at the Seminar: Dal torchio al digitale: materiali interdisciplinari su proprietà intellettuale, tecnologia e conoscenza [From the Printing Press to the Digital: Interdisciplinary Materials on Intellectual Property, Technology, Knowledge], University of Cassino, Faculty of Law, (download the full program here), Faculty of Law, University of Cassino, December, 20, 2011


Organizer and panelist at the Lawtech Seminar “Sanità elettronica e amministrazione di sostegno: scenari tecnologici e prospettive applicative”, Trento, Faculty of Law – December 5, 2011


Presentation “Come cambia la privacy nella sanità elettronica partecipata: spunti in tema di diritto e tecnologia” [How Privacy Is Changing within E-Health Systems Open to Patients: Remarks in a Law and Technology Perspective], within the National Conference “Forum Risk Management in Sanità 2011: Innovazione e e sicurezza nei percorsi territorio-ospedale-territorio“, Arezzo,  November 25, 2011.


Scientific organizer with others and scheduled panelist of the International Conference “Innovating Food, Innovating the Law. An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Challanges of the Agro-Food Sector” – Piacenza, Cattolica  University, October 14-15, 2011 (detailed program on the website of the Conference



Seminar/Round Table:For an Archeology of Copyright/Droit d’Auteur, within the Doctoral School of Historical Studies of the Trento University, Trento, Ph d School in Historical Studies, October 6th, 2011


Presentation (scheduled) “The Importance of Genealogies in Comparative Law: Technology, Interests, and the Historical Evolution of Copyright Law”, XXI Biennal conference of the Italian Association of Comparative Law, Venice, June 9-11, Ca’ Foscari University


Scientific organizer & panelist of the TORT DAY double seminars: “Monetizzare l’incommensurabile: il danno non patrimoniale non biologico” [Monetizing the “Incommensurable”: The Quantification of Non Pecuniary Damages Unrelated to Clinical Conditions of Victims] and “Amianto e responsabilità civile: indicazioni dal diritto comparato” [Asbesto and Tort Law: Comparative Insights]. March 28, 2011.


Seminar with Roberto Caso, Le irrisolte antinomie di un landmark case: il caso Moore v. Regents of the University of California fra proprietà del corpo umano, brevetti sulle invenzioni biotecnologiche e significato del consenso informato [The Enduring Antinomies of a Landmark Case: Moore v. Regents of the University of California between Property of Human Body Parts, Patents on Biotechnological Inventions and Meaning of Informed Consent], Ph D School in Comparative and European Legal Studies, University of Trento. March 8, 2011.


Seminar, L’invenzione del diritto d’autore: origine e sviluppo del copyright e del droit d’auteur [The Invention of Copyright:  Origin and Development of Common Law Copyright and Civil Law Droit d’Auteur], Ph D School in Private Law (Intellectual Property and Competition Law Curriculum), University of Pavia. February 14, 2011.  


Presentation: “Figure giuridiche della paura: sicurezza, pericolo, precauzione” [Legal Concepts of Fear: Safety, Danger, Precaution] within a Seminar organized at the University of Bologna by Maria Laura Lanzillo, discussing the book “Il diritto della paura” by Cass Sunstein. December 3, 2010


Presentation of the book “Alle origini del copyright e del diritto d’autore. Tecnologia, interessi e cambiamento giuridico/The Origins of Copyright and Droit d’Auteur. Technology, Interests, and Legal Change” at the Bocconi University, Milan. Discussants: Laurent Manderieux (Bocconi University), Aurelio Lopez Tarruella (University of Alicante, Director of IPR Helpdesk – Intellectual Property Rights related Issues in EU-funded projects). November 19, 2010.


Proprietà intellettuale e diritti individuali: Moore v. University of California (Individual Rights and Intellectual Property: Moore v. University of California), together with Roberto Caso within the series of Seminars “Science in Court” organized by the Interdisciplinary Project “STS TN – Science, Technology, and Society Trento” of the University of Trento, on October 26, 2010


L’interazione fra tecnologia e interessi nell’evoluzione del copyright e del diritto d’autore: passato e presente” [The Interplay of Technology and Interests in Shaping Copyright and Diritto d’Autore: Past and Present] Seminar held with Roberto Caso on May 17, 2010, within the 2010 Series of the Lawtech Seminars. 


Scientific Organizer and Panelist of the International Conference Comparative Issue in the Governance of Research Biobanks: Property, Privacy, Intellectual Property and the Role of Technology, held in Trento on May 7-8, 2010.


Scientific coordinator, panelist and chair of the two Seminars “Plagio e Creatività alla luce dell’evoluzione tecnologica” [Plagiarism and Creativity in Light of Technological Evolution] and “Plagiarism in Science and Technological Evolution“, held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento on April 21 and 28, 2010;   


Intervention at the Seminar “Come cambia l’organizzazione del lavoro del medico delle cure primarie” [How E-Health is Changing the Organization and the Work of the Network of Family Doctors], within the Conference “Ampere: Medici in rete per la gestione condivisa del paziente”, Trento, Febrary 26, 2010;  


Discussant with Francesco Cassata on the occasion of the Seminar “Eugenetica: Tra Scienza e Politica” [Eugenics: Between Science and Politics” held at the auditorium of the Fondazione della Cassa di Risparmio di Treno e Rovereto on December 3, 2008


Presentation “Compensation for Vaccine-related Harms in Europe” (discussant, prof. Lawrence Ghostin) within the international seminar of the research project “The Global Challenge of Vaccination: Legal Challanges, Ethical Conundrums”, promoted by the Center of Bioethics and the Faculty of Law of the University of Pennsylvania, Levy Conference Center, Penn Law School, Philadelphia, March 31th, 2007


“ADR in Medical Malpractice: Is It Feasable?, within the seminar on medical malpractice organized by the Board of Surgeons and Physicians of Perugia, Perugia, February 24, 2007;


Invited speaker, Faculty of Law – McGill University, seminar given (with R. Caso) “Technology, Lobbying and Copyright: A Comparative Analysis”, within the “Léger Robic Richard Seminar Series in Intellectual Property”, McGill University, Montreal (Canada), February 9, 2007;


Invited speaker, University of Macerata, within the national conference “The Precautionary Principle in Contemporary Law”, title of the lecture given: “Precautionary Principle and Civil law”, Macerata, Faculty of Law, 19-21 October 2006;


Invited speaker, University of Pisa, within the national conference “For a Precautionary Approach to the Managment of Risks”, title of the lecture given “The Precautionary Principle through the Lens of Economic Analysis of Law”, September 22-23, 2006, Faculy of Law, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa;


“Health Providers Liability in the Light of the Concept of Precaution” within the Seminar “Medical Malpractice in the Most Recent Case Law”, Venice, March 21, 2005, National Board of the Judiciary, Continuing Education for Judges, Venice District; 


“Long latent damages: the starting point of the limitation period in tort law”, within the cycle of conferences on personal injury law organized by the Department of Law and, Trento, January 27, 2005;  


“Precautions and Law: Two Viewpoints”, within the National conference “Toward a Sunstainable Development in Environmental Law”, Milan, December 14, 2004;  


“The Legal Point of View” within the conference “A Settlement Chamber for Malpractice Litigation” organized by the Association of Ginecologysts of the Veneto Regions, Rovereto, December 3, 2004;  


“Medical Liability in view of the recent case law developments”, within the seminar “Phisycians and Health Providers Liability”, National Board of Judiciary, Continuing Education for Judges, Naples District; Naples, October 28, 2004;  


“The Medical Malpractice Crises: Toward Alternative Dispute Resolution Patterns?”, seminar organized by the Marche Region Government Health Department, Ancona, July 20, 2004;  


“Governamental Liability for Vaccinations and Emovigilance” within the conference “Governmental Liability” organized by the National Board of Judiciary, Central Unit for the Continuing Education of Judges, Rome, June 7-9, 2004;  


“The Concept of Precaution in Tort Law and the Tainted-Blood Litigation”, within the seminar “Tort Law and Medical Malpractice at a Crossroad”, Venice, March 5, 2004, National Board of Judiciary, Continuing Education for Judges, Venice District;  


“Medical Malpractice Litigation and the Settlement Out of Court: Comparing the Different Patterns”, seminar organized by the Trento Bar Assosiation, May 16, 2003;  


“Toward an Alternative to the Litigation Escalation in Medical Malpractice. The perspectives of a regional pattern for preventing and settling out of court the litigation”, round table held at the Department of Law of the Trento University, March 22, 2003;  


“Medical Malpractice: The Collapse of an Area of Tort Law?”, National Board of Judiciary, Continuing Education for Judges, Trento District, Trento, November 30, 2002;


Presentation “HIV-Contaminated Blood, Policy, and Conflict” (3rd meeting), Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Conference Center, Bellagio, Italy, 1997.  


Presentatation “HIV-Contaminated Blood, Policy, and Conflict” (2nd meeting), Foundation Marcel Merieux, Annecy, France, 1996.  


Presentation “HIV-Contaminated Blood, Policy, and Conflict” (1st meeting), Castello di Santa Maria Novella, Italy, 1996.