Meetings and Conferences

Novembre 2014 (with Roberto Caso) “Copyright and Google Books” (with Roberto Caso) seminar held at the University of Trento, Faculty of Law. 

October 2014 “L’implementazione dell’Open Access nella legge tedesca” (The implementation of Open Access in the German law) held at the workshop: “Open Access e scienza aperta: stato dell’arte e strategie per il futuro” (Open access and open science: state of the art and future strategies).
June 2014 “Diritto d’autore e autotutela: la disciplina delle misure tecnologiche di protezione” (Copyright and self-protection: technological protection measures), hedl at the seminar: “La tutela dell’opera musicale in rete” (Protecting musical works online), Fondazione Forense Bolognese – Bologna – Italy
May 2014 
(with Umberto Izzo) “Better to Kill than to Maim? Loss of Life as an Autonomously Recoverable Damage of the Primary Victim in Personal Injury Law”. University of Pennsylvania Law School – Second Private Law Consortium May 11-12, 2014
February 2014 Chairman at the workshop: “Stakeholders Event @ Nottingham: Open Access Publishing” – CREATe Creativity, Regulation, Enterprise and Technology – University of Nottingham  – UK
December 2013 “Sulla strada dell’accesso aperto alla scienza: declamazioni e regole” (On the Open Access way: principles and rules) held at the seminar “Copyright, evoluzione tecnologica e bilanciamento dei diritti” (Copyright, technological evolution and balancing of rights),  Faculty of Law – University of Trento
October 2013 “Accesso aperto alla ricerca scientifica e diritto d’autore” (Open Access to scientific knowledge and copyright) held at the seminar: “Ridefinire i diritti: autore e lettore  nella prospettiva dell’accesso aperto alla letteratura scientifica” (Redefining rights: author and reader in relation to open access to scientific literature) University Amedeo Avogadro, Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli, Italy – Open Access International Week 2013 
June 2013  “Ricerca scientifica, diffusione della conoscenza e diritto d’autore dell’era digitale” (Scientific research, knowledge dissemination and copyright law in the digital age) held at Day of Study on “Il diritto d’autore dell’era digitale e le biblioteche” (Copyright law and Libraries in the Digital Age)
May 2013  (with Giulia Dore) “The public interest in copyright: approaching creativity, originality and novelty from a law and technology perspective” held at Seminar “Copyright and Public interest: some interdisciplinary perspectives”- Faculty of Law – University of Trento 
April 2013 “Ricerca scientifica, diffusione della conoscenza e diritto d’autore dell’era digitale” (Scientific research, knowledge dissemination and copyright law in the digital age) seminar in the Doctoral Programme in Comparative and European Legal Studies ”- Faculty of Law – University of Trento
January 2013 “La regolazione multilivello dell’accesso aperto: legge, regolamenti istituzionali, contratti” (The multilevel regulation of open access: law, institutional regulations, contracts), held at the MedOANet – National Workshop, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Rome
October 2012: “Accesso aperto, deposito su archivi istituzionali e regolamenti universitari” (Open Access, Institutional Repositories and University Regulation), held at the “Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane (CRUI)” (Giornata di studio sul tema “Università, trasferimento della conoscenza e diritto d’autore dell’era digitale”).
October 2012: “La musica nell’era digitale: dal copyright al copyleft” (Music and copyright in the digital era), held at the G.B. Martini Conservatory of Music, Bologna.
January 2012: “Tecnologia, mercato e regole. Profili metodologici” (Technology and business models. Methodological Aspects), held at the LawTech Seminar, University of Trento, Faculty of Law.
July 2012: “Interdisciplinarity in IP Class: Teaching Plagiarism in a “Copyright and Music” Course”, held at the European Intellectual Property Teacher’s Network Conference, Bocconi University, Faculty of Law, Milano.
September 2011: “Titolarità e circolazione del copyright in ambito accademico: un’analisi comparata” (Legal Ownership and Circulation of Copyright in Universities: a Comparative Analysis), held at the International Conference on Copyright Law in Higher Education, John Cabot University, Roma.
March 2011: “La circolazione inter vivos delle opere d’autore nel sistema di copyright statunitense: written works e new media” (Copyright Circulation in the American Copyright System: Written Works and New Media), held at the Seminar: “Copyright and Contracts Law”, University of Foggia, Faculty of Law.
June 2009: “Copyright Law, Contract Law, Rights Expression Languages and Value Centered Design Approach”, Doctoral Workshop on Law and Technology, European University Insistute, Florence.
June 2009: “Metadata, Semantic Web and ccRELs”, Transatlantic Intellectual Property Summer Academy, Trento, Trento, Faculty of Law.