

Trento, September 30, 2014


This website, created and directed by prof. Umberto Izzo and by Dr. Matteo Ferrari, has been conceived for scientific and educational purposes by a group of Italian academics who work to (and are interested in) promoting knowledge and analysis of food law.


The team of scholars running the website is open to collaborations with anyone interested, and is happy to get in touch to receive (in particular by judges, lawyers and researchers) suggestions and materials (decisions, regulations and legislative provisions, data, news, event reports, publications on the subject, and other critical contributions – also in English, French, German, Spanish). The contributors will be gratefully mentioned in the special section of the webite dedicated to thank the supporters of ore divulgative work.


The website has been launched online since September 30, 2014, and, being a continuous work in progress, over the time it will be constantly updated and expanded to offer to the public an authoritative point of reference on all aspects useful to understand food law.


Enjoy your researches!