
December 16, 2014

Matteo Macilotti talks about “Legal and Ethical issues of Biobanks“,  “Aspetti giuridici ed etico-legali delle Banche Biologiche”, Bari, IRCCS Istituto Tumori “Giovanni Paolo II”

December 13, 2014
Umberto Izzo talks about “The Borders of Ski Areas between Law and Reliance”, within the 7th European Legal Forum of Ski Law, held in Bormio at the Auditorium Leibninz.

December 4, 2014
Giovanni Pascuzzitalks about “The case method in the forensic schools”, Frosinone, ore 16,00 – Palazzo della Provincia – Salone d’onore – Piazza Gramsci, 13 (brochure)

November 24, 2014
Giovanni Pascuzzi presents his book about “Jurist’s creativity”. Scuola Sant’Anna. Pisa. 

Novembre 21, 2014
Giovanni Pascuzzi  talks about “Communicating the image and the role of the lawyer” – Consiglio dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Trento e Scuola Forense dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Trento, h. 17.00 – 19.00 – Camera di Commercio Industria e Artigianato, Sala Calepini -Trento – Via Calepina n. 88 (brochure)

November 14, 2014
Roberto Caso and Paolo Guarda take part to the International IP Seminar on “New Perspectives of Copyright in Europe: Harmonization, Territoriality and New Technologies“, Bocconi University, Milano

November 6-7, 2014
Giuseppe Bellantuono and Umberto Izzo take part to the International Conference on the Italian and Brazilian Legal Systems: Convergences and Divergences, Faculty of Law, University of Trento.

November 6, 2014
Umberto Izzo and Matteo Ferrari organize the workshop “The legal protection of terroir in the international wine market: an interdisciplinary approach”, that will take place at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento, at 17.00-19.00.

November 6, 2014

Paolo Guarda talks about “La gestione condivisa dei dati sanitari nei servizi di telemedicina: l’esperienza del progetto NATHCARE” at the XIV National Congress “Telemedicina e benessere del cittadino“, organized by the “Associazione Italiana di Telemedicina ed Informatica Medica”, FBK, Povo (Trento).

November 6-7, 2014

Giuseppe Bellantuono and Umberto Izzo take part to the International Conference on the Italian and Brazilian Legal Systems: Convergences and Divergences, Faculty of Law, University of Trento.

November 4, 2014
Roberto Caso takes part in the conference “Dichiarazione di Messina 2.0: la via italiana all’accesso aperto“, Università di Messina

October 29-30, 2014
Roberto Caso and Valentina Moscon give lectures on “Diritto d’autore, copyright e plagio”, “Proprietà intellettuale e accesso all’informazione. L’Open Access” at Doctoral School at University of Udine

October 28, 2014
Paolo Guarda and Rossana Ducato talk about “Quo vadis, privacy? Il diritto alla riservatezza nell’era digitale” at the roundtable “e-Business e e-Government: cosa ne è della nostra privacy?”, organized within the “European Cyber Security Month“, Fbk, Trento

October 26, 2014
Roberto Caso takes part in the conference “Horizon 2020: Accesso Aperto, Europa e Italia“, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Varese

October 24, 2014
Roberto Caso takes part in the conference “La policy per l’accesso aperto dell’Università degli studi di Milano”, Università degli Studi di Milano. 9.45-13.00 at the Sala di Rappresentanza del rettorato

 October 22, 2014
Roberto Caso takes part to the conference “L’Università, sistema aperto? Come diffonde i suoi risultati?” – Università di Verona – Sala Verde, Ca’ vignal, Strada Le Grazie, 15 – 37134 Verona. From 10.00 to 17.15

October 20, 2014
The Trento Lawtech Research Group is pleased to announce the workshop on Open Access e Scienza Aperta: Stato dell’Arte e Strategie per il Futuro, organized by Roberto Caso and Valentina Moscon.

October 2, 2014

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “The role of the legal clinics in the jurist’s education”, Brescia, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza. (brochure).

October 2, 2014

Umberto Izzo and Matteo Ferrari introduce the lecture of Ferdinando Albisinni on “Food Law: a laboratory of innovation” that will open the course of Comparative Food Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento.

October 2-3, 2014

Roberto Caso and Federica Giovanella take part in the Final Symposium of the ADAM Project -MINES ParisTech, Paris.

September 30, 2014

Roberto Caso takes part in the conference “Biennale del libro universitario“, Potenza, Campus Università

September 30, 2014

Giuseppe Bellantuono talks about “Contract Law and Regulation” in the workshop organized by the European Regulatory Private Law project at the European University Institute, Villa Schifanoia, Sala Triaria, h. 17.00-19.00

September 19, 2014

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “The assessment of the Universities” Milano, Università Bicocca,  (brochure).

September 16-17, 2014

Roberto Caso and Rossana Ducato talk about “IP, Open Science and Research Biobanks” at the SCIPLaw, WU Vienna.

September 12, 2014

Rossana Ducato receives the prize ETIC 2013-2014 at the Conference “ETIC – Etica e Tecnologie dell’Informazione e della Comunicazione”, University of Pavia.

June 30 – July 1, 2014

Umberto Izzo and Rossana Ducato organize the Giornate di studio “L’attuazione della Sanità Elettronica. La prospettiva europea e i profili giuridici, tecnologici e organizzativi del fascicolo sanitario elettronico“, Faculty of Law, University of Trento.


June 25 – 27, 2014

Giuseppe Bellantuono talks about “The Regulatory Governance of Public and Private Enforcement”, Conference on Regulatory Governance Between Global and Local, IBEI, Barcelona.

June 13, 2014

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “The reform of legal education. Guidelines for the new course” at the National Conference of the Forensic Schols – Bari, Sala Adunanze dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Bari – Piazza Enrico de Nicola (brochure).

June 9 – 13, 2014

Umberto Izzo and Matteo Ferrari organize at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento the Second Seminar of the International Research Network on Technological innovations, Uncertainty, and the Law of Civil Liability, with the partecipation of panelists from McGill University, Université de Laval – Quebec, Université de Grenoble-Alpes, University of Bristol, Durham University, University of Toronto, University of Pennsylvania, Università di Trento, Università Luiss Guido Carli – Roma, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – Pisa.

June 5, 2014

Roberto Caso and Rossana Ducato talk on “Open Access and Life Sciences”, at Eigth Annual Transatlantic Intellectual Property Academy, Case Western Reserve University, Clevaland, OH, USA

May 31, 2014

Giovanni Pascuzzi  talks about “Communicating the image and the role of the lawyer” –  III Legal Distrectual Congress, Riva del Garda, (locandina)

May 30-31, 2014

Umberto Izzo and Rossana Ducato present the paper “The Minors’ Right to Control their Information and the Governance of Supersensitive Data within Patient-Centered E-Health Systems” at the 6th ICIL “Lifting Barriers to Empower the Future of Information Law and Ethics“, Thessaloniki. See our presentation:

May 22, 2014

Giovanni Pascuzzi presents his book about “Jurist’s creativity”. University of Campobasso. School of Law. (brochure)

May 20, 2014

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “Legal education of the family lawyer”, Bari, Sala del Consiglio dell’Ordine degli avvocati, ore 15.30 (brochure).

May 14, 2014

Giuseppe Bellantuono talks on “Rights and remedies for energy consumers: a comparative overview”, at  the V Annual Conference on Energy Law, Rome, May 14-15, 2014.

May 11-12, 2014

Umberto Izzo and Valentina Moscon talk on ““Better to Kill than to Maim”? Loss of Life as an Autonomously Recoverable Damage of the Primary Victim in Personal Injury Law” at the Second Edition of the Private Law Consortium (University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University, McGill University, Oslo University, Bar Ilan University, University of Trento: first edition here), to be held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pennsylvania.

May 11-12, 2014

Federica Giovanella talks on “How do judges balance conflicting rights? The conflict between copyright and data protection from a comparative socio-cultural perspective” at the Second Edition of the Private Law Consortium (University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University, McGill University, Oslo University, Bar Ilan University, University of Trento: first edition here), to be held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pennsylvania.

May 7, 2014

Giovanni Pascuzzi gives a lectio magistralis on “Jurist’s creativity. An interdisciplinary lecture”. Università Europea di Roma – Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190 – Aula magna, h. 10.

April 25, 2014

Giuseppe Bellantuono talks on “Public/Private Enforcement in the Energy and Telecommunications Sectors”, at the International Conference on Public and Private Enforcement of European Private Law, University of Groningen.

April 23, 2014

Roberto Caso talks on “Il lato buono della forza: open access e valutazione della ricerca”, at the Conference AIB “Le biblioteche universitarie del 21° secolo: la trasmissione di conoscenza per lo sviluppo del Paese“, Bari, Università Aldo Moro, ala Vincenzo Starace Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche (II piano, scala C) – Piazza Cesare Battisti, n° 1

March 28, 2014

Giovanni Pascuzzi presents his book about “Jurist’s creativity”. Fondazione Feliciano Benvenuti with:  Prof. Avv. Torquato Tasso; Avv. Maurizio Visconti; Dott. Roberto Simone; Prof. Rino Rumiati; Centro Cardinal Urbani Via Visinoni, 4/c Zelarino (VE), h. 15.

March 21, 2014

Giovanni Pascuzzi partecipates to the round table about “Access to the profession: a new model of lawyer education. Mandatory, contents, methodology” at  IX Congresso di aggiornamento giuridico forense Roma, Borgo Santo Spirito in Saxia.

March 20-21, 2014

Paolo Guarda and Rossana Ducato talk on “Personal Health Records: legal issues” at the I national workshop “Dal taccuino al PHR”, Aula Grande, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento

March 20, 2014

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “How to properly communicate our image of lawyers” at  IX Congresso di aggiornamento giuridico forense Roma, Borgo Santo Spirito in Saxia.

March 18, 2014

Alessandro Antonietti (full professor of Psicology, Università Cattolica di Milano) talks about “The moral decision: from neurobiological evidences to psychological interpretations”. Lecture in rhe course of “Civile law and cognitive sciences” held by Giovanni Pascuzzi and Carlo Bona  (brochure)

March 14, 2014

Umberto Izzo introduces the seminar by Gideon Parchomovsky on “Introducing Legal Catalogs: The Missing Legal Command after Rules and Standards”, Sala professori, University of Trento, h. 17.00-19.00

March 11, 2014

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “Technological developments and legal change: the example of the archives”  at the conference “The digital archive between access and preservation” (brochure).


March 7, 2014

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “Jurist’s creativity”. Udine – Ordine degli avvocati. Saletta Scrosoppi, Viale Ungheria 22. h. 15. (Brochure)

March 5, 2014

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “Privacy in the age of social network”, Trento, Facoltà of Law, h. 17  (Brochure).

March 3-4, 2014

Giuseppe Bellantuono talks on “Public and Private Enforcement in the Energy Sector”, Energy Transitions Conference, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu.

February 21, 2014

Umberto IzzoMatteo FerrariFranscesco Planchenstainer introduce and talk at the Seminar THE INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE DIMENSION OF FOOD LAW, Faculty of Law, university of Trento, h. 9.30-12.30.

February 21, 2014

Matteo Ferrari talks about “The nature of precontractual liability” within the 11th Dialogues on Civil Law, Faculty of Law, University of Trento, h. 15.00

February 3, 2014

Valentina Moscon chaired a session during the workshop “Open Access Publishing Stakeholders Event“, organised by Giancarlo Frosio and Estelle Derclaye, School of Law, University of Nottingham.

January 31, 2014

Presentation of the second edition of the book “Giuristi si diventa”, by Giovanni Pascuzzi. Trento, Aula Grande della Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Via S. Croce n. 77, h. 17.00. (brochure).

January 29, 2014

Roberto Caso talks about Open Access at the conference “Open access: come e perché. La comunicazione scientifica tra nuovi modelli e vecchi vincoli“, Università di Udine

January 24, 2014

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “Method, interpretation and language of the jurist”, h. 15, Mestre – Via Forte Marghera 191 – c/o Auditorium della Provincia di Venezia   (brochure).

January 24, 2014

Matteo Macilotti, talks about “Cloud and Biobanking” at the conferenceInnovando – Progetti e soluzioni tecnologiche per Sanità e Sociale, Rovereto (TN), Auditorium Polo Tecnologico.