
December 15, 2012

Umberto Izzo talks about Il “contratto sulla neve” preso sul serio: due modelli di contratto per la fruizione delle aree sciabili e per l’insegnamento dello sci [The Contract Enabling the Skier to Access and Use the Ski Area] presenting the model contract drafted for the Region Lombardy Ski Resorts and the Consumer Association, at the Fifth European Ski Law Forum, Bormio

December 13-15, 2012

Giuseppe Bellantuono presents the paper “Comparing Smart Grids Policies in the USA and the EU”, Eight Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, Rome, University of Tor Vergata

December 3, 2012

Matteo Macilotti, talks about “La Governance delle Biobanche di ricerca: verso l’implementazione di un modello trentino di Biobanking”, Review Meeting, Sala Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione, Trento

November 30, 2012

Roberto Caso talks about “Il plagio, Terminator e l’ascesa delle macchine: quel che il diritto e i software (non) possono fare”, within the conference “Oltre la rilevazione del plagio verso la qualità della didattica e della ricerca“, Università di Bologna, 10.00

November 28, 2012

Roberto Caso talks about “Il diritto d’autore e le biblioteche come portali di libertà” within the conference “Diritto d’autore e pubblico dominio – Norme, strumenti e soluzioni in biblioteca“, ABEI, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milano, Piazza Pio XI, 2, h. 15.00


November 27, 2012

Umberto Izzo and Matteo Ferrari talks respectively about “Il ruolo dell’informazione nel diritto alimentare” [The Role of Information in Food Law” and “Il ‘local’ e le strategie di tutela nel diritto alimentare” [“Local” and IP protection in Food Law]  within the seminar “La sicurezza alimentare e la valorizzazione delle produzioni del territorio: l’azione della Provincia autonoma di Trento”, Auditorium del Centro Servizi Sanitari della Azienda provinciale dei servizi sanitari, Trento – Viale Verona, h. 9.00.

November 24, 2012

Giovanni Pascuzzi partecipates to the conference “L’avvocato fa scuola: crescita professionale fra formazione e aggiornamento” [The Learning Lawyer: Professional Growth between Training and Updating], within the XXI National Congress of the Italian Bar Association, Bari, Sala consiliare, Ordine degli Avvocati di Bari, 9.00.

November 22, 2012

Matteo Macilotti, partecipates to the conference, Oltre i confini del diritto. Le nuove sfide della ricerca sulle cellule staminali. Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, Università di Trento.

November 22, 2012

Roberto Caso partecipates to the OpenAIRE conferenceEnlightenment in the Knowledge Society: From Pilot to Service“, Göttingen State and University Library, Pauliner Church, 9.00

November 20, 2012

Giuseppe Bellantuono talks about “The regulation and governance of private electricity networks”, Conference on Energia e reti nelle politiche di coesione, Rome, Hotel Radisson Blu, 9.00-17.00

November 17, 2012

Roberto Caso talks about “Navigando  tra zombi, pirati e corsari nella “tempesta perfetta” – Dal copyright/diritto d’autore al controllo delle informazioni digitali” within the workshop “La proprietà (intellettuale) è un furto?”, Bookcity, Sala conferenze dell’Assessorato alla cultura, Palazzo Reale, Milano, 16.00


November 13, 2012

Roberto Caso partecipates to the seminar “PhD Theses Institutional Archive Unitn-eprints PhD Open Access, mandatory deposit and copyright“, Department of Humanities, via Tommaso Gar 14, Room 117, 1st floor

October 31, 2012

Roberto Caso partecipates to the conference “Accesso aperto alla conoscenza: prospettive, vantaggi, limiti“, UniversIty of Lecce, Aula seminari cordinamento SIBA, Complesso Studium 2000, 9.30

October 30, 2012

Umberto Izzo and Matteo Ferrari introduce the lecture “Mangiare è questione di regole: per un’antropologia del diritto alimentare“, [Eating is a Matter of Rules: For an Antropology of Food Law] by Marino Niola (Università Suor Orsola Benincasa – Napoli), within the course of Comparative Food Law, University of Trento, 17.15-18.45

October 27, 2012

Roberto Caso talks about “Open Access, diritto d’autore e valutazione della ricerca”, within the conference “La sostenibilità dell’Open Access e le pubblicazioni scientifiche“, Università LUISS Guido Carli, Roma, 9.30

October 25, 2012

Roberto Caso talks about “Dal tramonto del prestito (e delle biblioteche?) all’alba del digital lending: quel che resta del principio di esaurimento del diritto d’autore”, within the conference “Con un click in biblioteca: eBook ed altri media digitali nelle biblioteche“, Goethe-Institut, Palermo, 9.45

October 25, 2012

Matteo Macilotti talks about “Consenso informato e privacy. Le linee guida del gruppo di lavoro Aiom-Siapec”, with the “Congresso Annuale di Anatomia Patologica SIAPEC-IAP 2012, Firenze, Palazzo degli Affari

October 17-18, 2012

Roberto Caso, Paolo Guarda, Thomas Margoni and Valentina Moscon partecipate to the conference “Università, trasferimento della conoscenza, e diritto d’autore dell’era digitale“, Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane (CRUI), Roma

October 3, 2012

Umberto Izzo partecipates to the Press Conference organized by the Accademia della Montagna, on the occasion of the prize awarded to Chiara Piccin, author as former J. D. candidate of “Dalle Alpi ai Pirenei: analisi comparata della responsabilità civile per attività turistico-ricettive legate alla montagna nel diritto italiano e spagnolo” [From the Alps to the Pyrenees: Comparative Analysis of Civil Liability for Mountain Sport Activities in Italian and Spanish Law], a thesis winning a national competition launched in order to select the best thesis on mountain-related social sciences issues

September 28, 2012

Roberto Caso partecipates to the roundtable “Open Access for Scholarly Communication: Sustainable Science Dissemination and the Digital World” (with Robert Darnton, Guido Abbattista, Gino Roncaglia, Andrea Bonaccorsi, Paola Gargiulo) at “Save the Food” Conference, Trieste Next – Salone Europeo della Ricerca e della Innovazione Scientifica, Trieste

September 22, 2012

Giovanni Pascuzzi partecipates to the conference “Law in the mirror of social sciences”, organized by the journal “Contratto e impresa”,  Toscolano (BS). (brochure)

September 18, 2012

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “A Nobel Prize for the Law? Let’s start to study the cognitive strategies for the creativity of the jurists”, Milano, Università Cattolica, 9,30. (brochure)

September 17, 2012

Giovanni Pascuzzi partecipates to the conference “Law, rights and new technologies” with Oreste Pollicino, Franco Pizzetti, Stefano Quintarelli, Milano, Università Bocconi, Aula 13, Via Sarfatti 25. (poster)

July 9-13, 2012

Rossana Ducato talks about “Copyright and Biobanks: Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, within the Campus international d’été: Les dynamiques du droit d’auteur, Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche en Droit de l’Immatériel (CERDI), Paris

July 11-12, 2012

Roberto Caso, Valentina Moscon and Federica Giovanella talk about “Interdisciplinarity in IP Class – Teaching Plagiarism in a ‘Copyright and Music’ Course” within “European Intellectual Property Teachers’ Network 2012 workshop“, Bocconi University, Milano

July 1-6, 2012

Umberto Izzo partecipates to the international seminar “Innovations technologiques, incertitude et droit de la responsabilité/Technological Innovation, Uncertainty, and Tort Law” held at the McGill University, Faculty of Law, with the partecipation of the Faculty of Law of the University of Grenoble.

July 2-6, 2012

Roberto Caso and Matteo Ferrari partecipate as, respectively, co-organizer/teacher and teacher, to the Summer School, Networks for Innovation, Faculty of Law, Department of Legal Science, University of Trento

June 29-30, 2012

Rossana Ducato (with Ilaria Marchi) presents the paper “Is Gattaca Already Here? An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Forensic Landscape of Biobanks”, within the 5th International Conference on Information Law and Ethics, Corfù

June 28-29, 2012

M. Macilotti, Exploring the Conflict between Property Rights and Personality Rights: the Case of Human Genetic Materials – F. Giovanella, Cultural influences on judicial decisions: the balancing of information privacy vs. copyright enforcement – Papers to be presented at the AIDC Younger Scholars Conference, which will be held at the University of Aosta, June 28-29, 2012

June 27-29, 2012

Giuseppe Bellantuono, Comparing Regulatory Innovations in Climate Change Policies, presentation to New Perspectives on Regulation, Governance and Learning, ECPR Standing Group on Regulation & Governance, 4th Biennial Conference, University of Exeter, (programme available at )

June 25-26, 2012

M. Ferrari, The Narratives of GIs, paper to be presented at the London School of Economics, Fourth Annual Workshop of the International Society for the History and Theory of Intellectual Property, June 25-26, 2012

June 19, 2012

Roberto Caso talks about “Digital libraries and Copyright” at the “ABEI 2012 Conference“, Senigallia,  Biblioteca Comunale Antonelliana, Sala Incontri Via Ottorino Manni, 1 (Foro Annonario)

June 15, 2012

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “Solar law: updating an experience” at the workshop “History and actuality of the Italian contribution to the production of electricity from renewable solar sources” Brescia, Ambiente Parco Largo Torrelunga 7 (piazzale Arnaldo). (brochure)

June 5-9, 2012

Macilotti Matteo talks about “The Legal Nature of the Genetic Information: a Civil Law Perspective” – Rossana Ducato (with Ilaria Marchi) talks about “Odin’s Eye and the Twilight of Fundamental Rights: the Access to Non-Forensic Biobanks for Investigative and Judicial Purposes. A reflection in Criminal and Private Law”, within the SCRIPT Conference 2012Edinburgh

June 5-8, 2012

Giuseppe Bellantuono, Comparing Regulatory Innovations in Climate Change Policies, paper to be presented at the 2012 International Conference on Law and Society, Honolulu, HI, USA (program available at )

May 30, 2012

Giovanni Pascuzzi partecipates to the conference “The research assessment for legal sciences, social sciences and humanities“, Trento, Faculty of Law.  (brochure)

May 23, 2012

Umberto Izzo, partecipates to the Conference “Funzione ‘normativa’ della giurisprudenza di legittimità e commisurazione del danno non patrimoniale”, Aula Magna della Suprema Corte di Cassazione, Roma

May 14, 2012

Giovanni Pascuzzi participates at the Round table “Teaching legality through information technology”, at Didamatica 2012.

May 8, 2012

Giovanni Pascuzzi How to Give Birth to a Scholarly Opinion. The Construction of a Legal Doctrine between Problem Solving and Creativity, Università di Milano Bicocca – Ph D School in Legal Sciences.

May 3, 2012

Giovanni Pascuzzi, Discussant at the conference “At the root of civil liability of the public administration. An Italo-Spanish dialogue”, Trento, Faculty of Law.(brochure). (Program available at

April 23, 2012

Talk by Roberto Caso within the conference “Biblion – Forum sul libro e sulla lettura – Un bene comune del XXI secolo“, Università degli studi di Bari, Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, Associazione Pugliese Editori, Bari, 23-24 aprile, Sala conferenze centro polifunzionale per gli studenti, Salone degli Affreschi (Palazzo Ateneo).

April 20, 2012

Talk by Roberto Caso “Dal tramonto (del prestito) all’alba (del digital lending): meraviglie e perversioni del mercato degli e-books” within the Associazione Italiana Biblioteche (AIB) conference “Il digital lending in biblioteca. Quando (se) il futuro non aspetta“, Sardegna Ricerche, Località Piscinamanna, Pula (Cagliari)

April 13, 2012

Talk by Giovanni Pascuzzi “The assessment of legal scientific products” within the conference “The research assessment in the humanistic areas”, – Aula Nievo – Palazzo del Bo – Padua University (brochure)

March 29, 2012

Lecture by  Giovanni Pascuzzi, “An introduction to the law of the digital era”, within the PhD School in Legal Sciences “Ca’ Foscari”, University of Venice, 9.30-12.00 (brochure).

March 23, 2012

Talk by Roberto Caso “Musica e diritto d’autore: spunti in chiave di Law & Technology” [Music and copyright: a Law & Technology Perspective” within the International Conference “Le nuove frontiere della legislazione sullo spettacolo e le attività musicali“, Conservatorio musicale “G.B. Martini” di Bologna, 14.45-17.45

March 15, 2012

Seminar, “On the Meanings of the Word: Judgment“, with the partecipation of Giovanni Pascuzzi, Gianrico Carofiglio, Roberto Cubelli, Rovereto, Faculty of Cognitive Sciences, 18.00-20.00

March 8, 2012

Rossana Ducato, “Per un pugno di cellule”: Scenari tecnologici, etici e giuridici dischiusi dalle biobanche di ricerca, within the event “Il Futuro? Ne parlano loro”, Teatro delle Garberie, Pergine Valsugana, h. 20.30

March 2, 2012

Giovanni Pascuzzi partecipates on the round table about “The governance of the Universities” at the conference “University Autonomy and social responsibility: governance and accountability in the process of reform”, Università del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro, Sala conferenze del rettorato, via Duomo 6, Vercelli (brochure)

January, 17, 2012 – “Intellectual Property Rights and Open Access”, presentation held by Roberto Caso and Paolo Guarda, at the “Venice Workshop: Theoretical, methodological and skill development: advance level” (Marie Curie”, Venice (Italy)