
December 16, 2016
 Paolo Guarda talks about “Appropriatezza e sanità elettronica: alla ricerca della pietra filosofale” [Appropriateness and e-health: looking for the Philosopher’s Stone], at the conference “Dalla responsabilità alla responsabilizzazione: il percorso di cura tra medicina ed appropriatezza“, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza – Università degli Studi di Trento -.

December 12, 2016
Umberto Izzo organizes and talks at the Seminar “Il diritto del turismo nella prospettiva del regolatore” [Law of Tourism: A View from the Rulemaker Perspective], Meeting room, II Floor, Faculty of Economics, Trento.

December 5, 201Roberto Caso talks about “Community netowrks: le regole della libertà”, at the conference “Le Smart Cities: istituzioni, territorio e regole“, Università degli studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli

November 24, 2016
Umberto Izzo and Rossana Ducato talk about “m(obile)-Health: aspetti giuridici” [m-health: Legal Issues] at the National Workshop “Le prescrivo una App” [I’m Prescribing you an App: The Frontier of Digital Medicine], Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Povo.

November 18, 201Giuseppe Bellantuono talks about “Interdisciplinarity for the Low-Carbon Economy” at the Euregio Research Conference on “Shifting Boundaries”, Free University of Bozen, 17-18 November 2016. The program is available here.

November 11, 2016
Rossana Ducato talks about “Droni per il search and rescue in aree valanghive: profili privatistici] [Drones for search and rescue in avalanche areas: private law issues], at the conference “Il futuro dei droni fra sfide tecnologiche e giuridiche” [The future of Drones between tecnological and legal challanges], organized by CNR and Sant’Anna Pisa, Firenze Palazzo Incontri, presenting the preliminary findings of the project D-FAB.

November 11, 2016
Roberto Caso talks about “I risultati della ricerca scientifica tra divulgazione e diritti privativa: la regolamentazione dell’Open Access”, at “Giornate del diritto industriale Fondate e in memoria di Vittorio Menesini “La proprietà industriale e intellettuale nell’era del digitale: nuovi e vecchi temi””, Università di Perugia – Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, 11-12 Novembre 2016

November 10, 2016
Matteo Ferrari and Umberto Izzo organize the workshop “Il territorio come regola” [Terroir as a Rule], Faculty of Law, Trento.

November 8, 2016
Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about Il diritto all’oblio [The right to be forgotten], at the Association of the Journalist Conference Il diritto all’oblio – Ordine giornalisti TAA, Trento.

October 27-28 2016
Secondo convegno annuale dell’AISA, “La scienza aperta tra editoria e valutazione“, Università di TriesteEx Ospedale Militare, via Fabio Severo 40

October 25, 2016
Roberto Caso talks about “Apertura contro mercificazione”, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Rettorato, Sala conferenze, Via Duomo 6, Vercelli

October 24, 2016
Roberto Caso talks about “Dall’Università-azienda all’università aperta: missione impossibile?”, Università di Milano, sala di Rappresentanza.

October 18 and 21, 2016
Giuseppe Bellantuono talks about Brazil and the EU in Transnational Energy Governance at Getulio Vargas Foundation, Sao Paulo and Federal University of Minas Gerais, Faculty of Law, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The paper will be published in the Brazilian Journal of Political Studies and is available from the author upon request.

October 15, 2016
Umberto Izzo talks about “Distribuire il costo sociale degli incidenti sciistici: responsabilità civile e assicurazione” [Distributing the Social Costs of Ski Accidents: Civil Liability and Insurance Issues] at the Second National Legal Conference organized by the Bar Associations of the Region Lombardia, Monza, 11-12, Teatro Manzoni, via Manzoni 23, Monza.

October 7, 2016
Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about La comparazione giuridica italiana ha esaurito la sua spinta propulsiva?. Relazione al convegno “Diritto, storia e comparazione: nuovi propositi per un binomio antico” [“Has the Italian Comparative Law Academia Lost its Momentum?”, within the conference Law, History, and Comparison: New Proposals for an Old Relationship], Università di Ferrara.

September 29, 2016
Roberto Caso and Federica Giovanella organize a workshop on “Local and Community Networks“, Conference Room, Trento Faculty of Law, 9.00-17.30

September 27, 2016
Umberto Izzo organizes the presentation of the book by Francesco Sylos Labini “Rischio e previsione” / “Science and the Economic Crisis“, Conference Room, Trento Faculty of Law, 15.00-17.30 (program here).

September 11, 2016
Rossana Ducato participates at the Trento Smart City Week, within the Section “Cloud Computing per diagnostica orientata al cittadino”, Trento, Piazza Duomo – Smart City Pavillon, Sala 1 h. 19.50

September 13, 2016
Rossana Ducato presents the paper “Cloud computing for s-health and the data protection challenge”, within the IEEE Smart City Conference, Trento

September 6, 2016
Rossana Ducato talks about “International Trade Law and the Patentability of Life”, at Tenth Bocconi Transatlantic IP Summer Academy, University of Alicante-Master Lucentinus

August 17, 2016
Matteo Ferrari gives a presentation on “Liability for Negligent Declarations of Conformity” and Federica Giovanella talks about “Internet Service Providers’ Liability” at the Institute for European Tort Law in Vienna.

July 5, 2016
Umberto Izzo and Matteo Ferrari talk at the II Summer School on Food Law, University of Brescia.

June 24, 2016
Federica Giovanella talks about “Tort law and CNs” within the Geneva Internet L@w Research Colloquium, University of Geneva

June 22, 2016
Roberto Caso talks at  SUMMER SCHOOL 2016 – June 20/ 24 2016 THE GLOBALIZATION OF LAW AND LEGAL INSTITUTIONS, with Maria Rosaria Marella, Mikhail Xifaras, Paolo Napoli, Adalgiso Amendola, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Via A. Pascoli n. 33

June 16, 2016
Matteo Ferrari talks on “The Certification Contract: A Civilian Perspective”, 4th Private Law Consortium, Oslo.

June 13-17, 2016
Umberto Izzo talks about “Leveling and coordinating the compensation playground in the aftermath of disasters: the role of principles” at the Third Biennial conference of the International Research Network on Technological innovations, Uncertainty and the Law of Civil Liability dedicated to “Incident, Crisis and Disaster”, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France. Program to appear.

June 14-16, 2016
Giuseppe Bellantuono talks on “Shaping EU Energy and Climate Policy Through Litigation”, 8th Pan-European Conference on the Energy Union, Trento. Program available here.

June 13, 2016
Roberto Caso talks on Ancillary rights at  “Informazione e creatività nell’ecosistema digitale. Quale approccio regolatorio per lo sviluppo?” at ISIMM, Roma, 14.30

 June 9 and June 11, 2016
Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about, respectively, “Comunicazione e reputazione degli avvocati” and “La comunicazione tra avvocato e cliente”, at the 5th Conference of the Bars of the Region Trentino Alto Adige.

June 8, 2016
Valentina Moscon presents the LawTech Research Paper nr. 28 Open Access, Open Science, Open Society at ELPUB 2016 Gottingen

May 31, 2016
Roberto Caso talks about Open Science vs Commodification of Academic Research at OpenAIRE National Workshop 2016, CNR, Roma, complete program here

May 27, 2016
Umberto Izzo talks about “Responsabilità civile e welfare del danneggiato nel prisma della compensatio lucri cum damno” [“Civil liability and welfare of the injured party: the role of compensatio lucri cum damno”], at the Doctorate School of the Faculty of Law of the University of Catania, 9.30-12.30, Faculty of Law of the University of Catania.

 May 27, 2016
 Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “Le competenze del regolatore nell’era digitale“, within the Corso di perfezionamento post lauream “The Use of Language in Law”, University of Firenze.

May 26, 2016
 Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “La costruzione giuridica dell’identità fisica, sociale e virtuale” at the Conference “L’identità, gli archivi, la cultura”, Trento, 14.30-18.30

May 13, 2016
Giovanni Pascuzzi’s latest book, “Avvocati formano avvocati. Guida all’insegnamento dei saperi forensi” is presented in Venice during a seminar organized by the Venice Bar, 15.30-18.30.

May 4, 2016
Giuseppe Bellantuono talks on “Models of regulation and management of water services: a comparative perspective”, VII Conference on Energy Law, Rome. Program available here.

April 29, 2016
Federica Giovanella takes part in the “International Conference on Sustainable Connectivity“, Faculty of Law of the Fundação Getulio Vargas in Rio de Janeiro

 April 18, 2016
Roberto Caso talks on “Proprietà Intellettuale” at “#parole urgenti – esercizi di lettura del novecento a cura di Pasquale Beneduce” – Università di Cassino – Dipartimento di Economia e Giurisprudenza – Laboratorio offi.cine artestoria&diritti

 March 10, 2016
Umberto Izzo takes part at the final round table, while Paolo Guarda and Rossana Ducato talk about Personal Health Records e profili giuridici: il ruolo attivo del paziente tra privacy e tutela della salute at the 2016 edition of the ICT DAYS, organized by the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, Trento, Polo Ferrari (10-16). Program appearing here.

March 10, 2016
Roberto Caso talks on “Commodification of University and Open Science”, Scienza aperta – Per una democrazia della conoscenza, Università Bicocca di Milano. Program available here.

February 19, 2016
Umberto Izzo talks about Civil Law Issues of Ski Litigation at the Conference organized by the Bolzano Bar (15-18), program here

February 5th, 2016
Umberto Izzo talks about “Civil Liability on a Slippery Slope: Problems and Perspectives of Ski Law” at the National Conference on Civil and Criminal Liability and Mountains, organized by La Rivista di Diritto Sportivo, Cortina D’Ampezzo, Grand Hotel di Savoia (program to appear soon).

February 5th, 2016
Carlo Bona talks about “Relinquishing Real Property: Substantial and Formalities Issues” at the “Dialoghi di Diritto Civile Seminars“, Faculty of Law, University of Trento.