
December 19, 2013

Paolo Guarda chairs “Session 1: Intellectual Property Rights” at the Conference on “Open Data in Transition: Intellectual Property, Competition, and Regulatory Issues”, Department of Economics and Management, University of Trento

December 10, 2013

Umberto Izzo talks at the Winter Universiade Conference
International Interdisciplinary Conference on “University Sport: Inspiring Innovation”, Rovereto – Mart Auditorium, 10.00-11.00, about “Safety and liability in the practice of skiing: how law and cognitive sciences shape the driving force of winter tourism destinations and how we can set the balance right”.

December 6, 2013

Matteo Ferrari talks at the International IP Seminar, Bocconi University, on TRIPS, FTAs and Geographical Indications.

December 6, 2013 

Roberto Caso, Federica Giovanella and Valentina Moscon partecipate with Giuseppe Mazziotti, Caterina Sganga and Giorgio Spedicato to the Seminar “Copyright, evoluzione tecnologica e bilanciamento dei diritti” (Copyright, technological evolution and balancing of rights), Trento, University of Trento, Faculty of Law.

December 4, 2013

Paolo Guarda talks at the Guest Lecture Series on “DATAGATE: tra sicurezza, lotta al terrorismo e tutela dei dati personali“, School of International Studies, Via Tommaso Gar, 14, Room 221, Trento

December 4, 2013
Roberto Caso talks about “Tendenze normative nel campo dell’Open Access: una ricognizione comparata” at WorkShop Bibliosan 2013 “Ricerca biomedica e pubblicazione dei risultati: la sostenibilità dell’Open Access”,  Auditorium – Ministero della Salute, Via Giorgio Ribotta, 5 – Roma

November 30, 2013

Paolo Guarda talks about “Blue sky above the Cloud: challenges and chances for e-health” at the International Conference “Getting around the cloud(s) – Technical and legal issues on Cloud sevices”, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa

November 27, 2013

Roberto Caso, partecipates to the Seminar “Le policy universitarie in materia di Accesso Aperto alla scienza: l’esperienza dell’Università di Trieste“, University of Trento, Sala conferenze del Dipartimento di Economia e Management, via Inama 5 – Trento, h. 14.30

November 23, 2013

Valentina Moscon, talks about “Attori del cambiamento: la casa come spazio di condivisione e relazione”, TEDx Trento, Trento

November 22, 2013

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “Writing rules to solve problems: the role of ICT” at the Master “Legal professions and wrinting of the law”, Firenze. (brochure).

November 14-15, 2013

Giovanni Pascuzzi, Umberto Izzo, Matteo Ferrari, Francesco Planchenstainer, Enrico Togni talk at the Trento Lawtech Comparative Food Law Seminar 2013, Faculty of Law, Trento.

November 14-15, 2013

Roberto Caso, talks about “Le moderne frontiere del copyright: il diritto d’autore nell’era di Internet, at the “Lezioni sulla proprietà intellettuale: brevetti e diritto d’autore nella disciplina del business”, Università di Foggia, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza

November 12, 2013

Giovanni Pascuzzi, talks about “Legal creativity” at the Università Cattolica, Department of Psicology, Via Nirone 15, Milano, Aula: NI.010 Nirone.  14.30 – 16.00

October 25, 2013

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “Jurist’s creativity”. Università del Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria. (brochure)

October 25, 2013

Roberto Caso and Thomas Margoni talk about “Open Access e apertura dei dati della ricerca pubblica: aspetti normativi europei e italiani” at “E-science: verso un network italiano per l’open access e gli open research data”. CNR, Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, 00185 Roma. Ore 10.00-14.30

October 24, 2013

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “Jurist’s creativity and legal clinics. Legal education and learning nethods”, Brescia, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza.

October 23, 2013

Roberto Caso talks about “Open Access policy: l’importanza delle norme sociali e la responsabilità della scienza” at the conference “Quali politiche per l’accesso aperto in Italia?“, Università di Trieste, h 11.00

October 17, 2013

Roberto Caso talks about “Open Access policy: tendenze normative” at “Swets Open Day“, Milano, h. 9.40

October 7, 2013

Roberto Caso talks about “Policy on Open Access to Science: a Law and Social Norms Perspective“, at McGill University – Faculty of Law – Montréal (Québec, Canada).

October 4, 2013

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks at the XII National forum of National Observatory on Family Law, Firenze.

October 1, 2013

Umberto Izzo gives a conference on “The Law of Tourism Sports: theoretical and case law issues in the law of civil liability”, within the National Course on Investigation Tecniques related to Mountain Accidents organized by the Alpine School of the Guardia di Finanza, Predazzo 30.9/2.10.2013

September 28, 2013

Matteo Ferrari talks about “Gli standard del settore alimentare tra luci ed ombre” [Standard in the agro-food sector: lights and shades] at Festival del diritto, Piacenza, 26-29 September 2013

September 26, 2013

Francesco Planchenstainer talks with Marco Lucchini (Fondazione Banco Alimentare ONLUS) about “Le eccedenze alimentari: opportunità da non sprecare” [Food surplus: an opportunity not to be thrown away] at Festival del diritto, Piacenza, 26-29 September 2013

September 16, 2013

Roberto Caso talks about “Open Access Policy: a Law and Social Norms Perspectiveat the  International Seminar on “Scientific Information Policies in the Digital Age: Enabling Factors and Barriers to Knowledge Sharing and Transfer”, Rome, CNR, P.le Aldo Moro, 7

September 13, 2013

Giuseppe Bellantuono invited lecture on “Recent Trends in EU Competition Law”, 6th IBRAC-UFMG Seminar on Economic LAW, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil (videoconference from room 4, Faculty of Law, University of Trento) – interested students welcome !! Program available at

September 9, 2013

Matteo Ferrari and Paolo Guarda talk about “Rethinking Copyright Law: a Law and Technology Perspective” and “Open Models, Open Seeds: Towards an Open Protection?” at the VIIth Transatlantic Intellectual Property Academy (TIPSA) organized by Bocconi University and the Magister Lucentinus in Intellectual Porperty in Alicante (Spain).

June 26-28, 2013

Roberto Caso and Matteo Ferrari present their papers at the launching edition of the Comparative Private Law Consortium held at Bar Ilan University (Tel Aviv), with the partecipation of scholars from 5 Faculties of Law: Bar Ilan University, University of Oslo, Harvard University, McGill University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Trento. Full program here

June 24, 2013

Giovanni Pascuzzi gives a lecture on “The Formation of the Practising Jurist”, within the opening session of the National Training School for Judges, Firenze, Villa di Castel Pulci, Scandicci, full program here.

June 19, 2013

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “Cognitive strategies and legal innovations” at the workshop “Cognition & Law”; University of Trento (brochure).

June 17, 2013

Paolo Guarda talks about “Valorizzazione IPR, tutela brevettuale e Open Innovation” [IPR exploitation, Patents, and Open Innovation], at the Third Workshop on ‘Green Innovation per PMI’ Project, organized by Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Fondimpresa, Povo (TN)

June 17, 2013

Giuseppe Bellantuono talks about “Nudge policies everywhere? ” at the conference  “Le scienze cognitive. Applicazioni e valore socio economico“; University of Trento.

May 31- June 1, 2013

22th Biennial Conference of the Italian Association of Comparative Law

University of Salerno

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “The Law as Technology: Looking into the Cognitive Strategies Employed by Jurists”

Giuseppe Bellantuono talks about “Exploring Causal Mechanisms in Comparative Law”

Roberto Caso talks about: “Intellectual Property and the Social Norms of Science: Reconfiguring the Legal Model of Open Acess”

Umberto Izzo talks about: “The Multiple Roles of Information in European Food Law: From a Coherent Regulatory Framework to the Private Enforcement of Food Law?”

Matteo Ferrari talks about: “The Narrative of Geographical Indications”

Carlo Bona talks about: “Paradigms for the Assessment of Non Pecuniary Damages: Objectivity or “Objectivability”? Rationality or Appropriateness?”

Matteo Macilotti talks about: “The Grey Zone between Rights of Personality and Property Law”

May 28, 2013
Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “Legal Clinics” at Università Roma 3 (brochure).

May 20-24, 2013
Umberto Izzo introduces the series of lectures “Conversations on the Legal Method” by Mario Barcellona, within the program of the Doctoral School in Comparative and European Legal Studies of the University of Trento, Trento, Faculty of Law, Professor Room.

May 17, 2013
Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “The Education of the Lawyer” at Sala Convegni Hotel Etrusco, Via Fleming 39 – Arezzo (brochure).

May 14, 2013

Roberto Caso, Matteo Ferrari and Thomas Margoni talk at the International Seminar “Copyright and public interest: some interdisciplinary perspectives”, Trento, Faculty of Law, Conference room, 9.00.

May 12, 2013

Carlo Bona talks about “Macchine al posto di giudici? I possibili ruoli dell’intelligenza artificiale” [Machines in lieu of Judges? The possible Roles of Artificial Intelligence], at the conference “L’operazione decisoria” da emanazione divina alla prova scientifica (passando per Rabelais)” [The Decision-Making Operation from Divine Emanation to Scientific Proof (via Rabelais)], organized by the Società di Psicologica Giuridica e dall’Istituto Superiore Internazionale di Scienze Criminali, Siracusa.

May 11, 2013
Giovanni Pascuzzi
talks about “Jurist’s creativity” at II Congresso distrettuale giuridico, Bolzano  (brochure).

May 10, 2013
Umberto Izzo
talks at the conference “Montagna e responsabilità” [Mountain and Liability] organized by the Sondrio Bar Association in Sondrio (15.00-18.00). During the conference it will be presented the first book (“Mountain”) of the Treatise on “Civil and Criminal Liability in the Sports of Tourism“. More details and scientific program soon.

May 9, 2013

Umberto Izzo and Matteo Ferrari give a talk to a delegation of Brasilian judges about “Diritto alimentare comparato: nove variazioni sul tema” [Comparative Food Law: Nine Variations on a Theme], Faculty of Law, University of Trento, Professor Room, 11.30-13.00.

May 3, 2013

Umberto Izzo and Carlo Bona talk at the conference “Montagna e responsabilità” [Mountain and Liability] that will be held (14.30-18.30) in Room B at the Faculty of Law of Trento. During the conference it will be presented the first book (“Mountain”) of the Treatise on “Civil and Criminal Liability in the Sports of Tourism“. Web site of the event available here.

April 29, 2013
Giuseppe Bellantuono talks on “Comparative law and Behavioral sciences”, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, h. 10-12

April 23, 2013
Giuseppe Bellantuono talks on “EU contract law and international commercial transactions”, Unianchieta, Jundiaì, Sao Paulo, h. 10.00

April 19, 2013

Umberto IzzoGiovanni PascuzziRoberto Caso introduce the Seminar by Roberto Pardolesi on “Abuso del diritto: posologia ed effetti collaterali” [Abuse of Right: Posology and Collateral Effects], within the program of the Doctoral School in Comparative and European Legal Studies of the University of Trento, Professor Room, 15-17.

April 18, 2013

Giuseppe Bellantuono talks on “The impact of EU contract law on international trade”, Pontificia Universidade Catòlica de Sao Paulo, h. 21-22.30

April 18, 2013

Umberto IzzoGiovanni PascuzziRoberto Caso introduce the Seminar by Roberto Pardolesi on “Responsabilità e danno contrattuale: una visione d’insieme” [Damage and Contractual Liability: An Overview], within the courses of Civil Law held by Giovanni Pascuzzi, Umberto Izzo and Roberto Caso at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento, Room B, 17.30-19.00.

April 12, 2013

Umberto Izzo, Carlo Bona and Giovanni Pascuzzi introduce the Seminar by Leonardo Lenti about “L’evoluzione del diritto di famiglia italiano nella prospettiva europea” [The Evolution of Italian Family Law in European Perspective], within the program of the Doctoral School in Comparative and European Legal Studies of the University of Trento, Professor Room, 9-11.

April 12, 2013

Roberto Caso talks about “Proprietà intellettuale ed etica” [Intellectual Property and Ethics] with Enza Pellecchia and Maria Chiara Pievatolo within the program of the Doctoral School of Scuola Sant’Anna di Pisa, Aula Magna Storica, h 11

April 11, 2013

Umberto IzzoCarlo Bona and Giovanni Pascuzzi introduce the Seminar by Leonardo Lenti about “Famiglia e responsabilità civile” [Family and Tort Law], within the course of Civil Law held by Giovanni Pascuzzi and Umberto Izzo at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento, Room B, 17-19.

Aprile 5, 2013

Giovanni Pascuzzi How to Give Birth to a Scholarly Opinion. The Construction of a Legal Doctrine between Problem Solving and Creativity, Università di Bari – Ph D School in Legal Sciences.

March 27, 2013

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “The Jurist’s creativity”: Bari, Biblioteca dell’Ordine degli avvocati, 15.30.

March 22, 2013

Giovanni Pascuzzi and Carlo Bona introduce the talk by Roberto Cubelli about “Psicology of memory and testimony”  within the course “Civil law and cognitive scienze”, University of Trento, Faculty of Law, Room 7,  11-13.


March 20, 2013

Paolo Guarda and Valentina Moscon talk about “Open Access to Scientific Knowledge within the European Union”, at Crash Course on Research Funding, Intellectual Property and Start up Creation, Rovereto – sala Convegni, Palazzo Fedrigotti, h. 10:00 – 12:00

March 18, 2013

Umberto Izzo introduces the talk by Gideon Parchomovsky about “Property Law Lost in Translation”  within the program of Doctoral School in Comparative and European Legal Studies of the University of Trento, Professor Room, 15-17.

March 13, 2013

Paolo Guarda and Valentina Moscon talk about “Open Access to Scientific Knowledge within the European Union”, at Crash Course on Research Funding, Intellectual Property and Start up Creation, Mesiano – room R2, h. 10:00 – 12:00


March 9, 2013

Umberto Izzo talks about “La gestione del rischio e dell’allerta nel diritto alimentare” [Risk Managment and Alert Systems in Food Law” at the School of Higher Education in Food Law of the Cattolica University, Piacenza, 9-13.

March 6, 2013
Paolo Guarda talks about “Copyright Protection of Research Results in the Digital Age. The Paradigmatic Case of Doctoral Thesis” at Crash Course on Research Funding, Intellectual Property and Start up Creation, Mesiano – room R2, h. 9:00 – 13:00

February 22, 2013

Valentina Moscon, receives the “Premio Nazionale Vittorio Frosini” by a Scientific Committee composed by prof. Pietro Rescigno, prof. Tommaso Edoardo Frosini and prof. Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich, Rome.

February 22, 2013

Giovanni Pascuzzi and Carlo Bona introduce the talk by Rino Rumiati (Padua University) about “An introduction to cognitive sciences”  within the course “Civil law and cognitive scienze”, University of Trento, Faculty of Law, Room 7,  11-13.

February, 19, 2013

Umberto Izzo talks about “Privacy Issues in the TreC Project”, within the international seminar “TreC Project: A Personal Health Record system for Citizens. Project Overview, Security and Privacy Issues“, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Aula grande, Via Sommarive 77, Trento, ore 11-13.

February, 9, 2013

Giovanni Pascuzzi talks about “Organization and didactic in legal education” at the conference “Il tirocinio nel nuovo ordinamento professionale professionale. Il ruolo della Scuola forense” organized by Consiglio Nazionale Forense e Scuola Superiore dell’Avvocatura. Roma, 9 febbraio 2013 – Palazzo di Giustizia, Sala Avvocati – Piazza Cavour (brochure)

February, 7, 2013

Roberto Caso e Paolo Guarda talk about “Valorizzare l’innovazione nell’ICT: la tutela del software” at Confindustria Modena, Via Bellinzona 27/a.

January, 31, 2013

Roberto Caso talks about “Editoria scientifica: dal copyright all’Open Access“, nell’ambito del ciclo di seminari “Viottoli, percorsi di conoscenza”, CNR – IRPPS, Roma Via Palestro 32, h. 10.30

January, 29, 2013

Roberto Caso and Valentina Moscon talk about “La regolamentazione multilivello dell’accesso aperto: leggi, regolamenti, contratti” nell’ambito nel convegno “MedOAnet – Italian National Workshop“, CNR, P.le Aldo Moro, 7, h.10.00-17.00