Categoria: Energy Law

Solar Law

The reprint of a seminal comparative study on Solar Law is now freely downloadable   Energia solare e property rights. La tutela giuridica dell’accesso al sole [Solar Energy and Property Rights. The Legal Protection of Access...


G. Bellantuono, I contratti dell’energia: produzione; mercato all’ingrosso; contratti di rete, in V. Roppo e A.M. Benedetti (a cura di), Trattato dei singoli contratti – Mercati regolati, Giuffré, 2014, 1321-1362   G. Bellantuono, I contratti dell’energia:...


  G. Bellantuono, The Comparative Law and Economics of Energy Markets, in T. Eisenberg and G.B. Ramello (eds.), Comparative Law and Economics, Edward Elgar Pub., 2016, p. 236-261, working paper version available at   G....


G. Bellantuono, Regolazione e governance delle reti elettriche private, Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche, Università di Trento, 2013, disponibile in     G. Bellantuono, Comparing Regulatory Innovations for Climate Change: Smart Grids Policies in the...

Comparative Analysis of Regulatory System

  Comparisons of institutional contexts in developed and developing countries are among the top priorities of international organizations like the World Bank, the IMF and the OECD. A fruitful dialogue between comparative lawyers and other social...

Contract Law and Energy Market

  The liberalization/restructuring of energy markets has provoked a wide-ranging reorganization of energy chains. Energy contracts became the main tool to coordinate the activities in the wholesale, transport and retail segments. At the same time, energy...

Energy Law

Energy Law is a useful test bed for an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of institutions. The legal perspective is contrasted with contributions from economics, political science and the cognitive sciences. Research in this field focuses on the...