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CORTE D’APPELLO DI TRENTO, 13 ottobre 2004 (n. 434/2004); Pres. Garibba, Est. Avorio, imp. X (avv. Vita). Conferma Trib. Trento, sez. dist. di Tione, 2 maggio 2003   Esercizio abusivo della professione – Insegnamento di snowboard...

Spazio Lawtech

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Achievements by Trento Lawtech Researchers

Some members of our research team have recently obtained important achievements.   Matteo Ferrari    Matteo has been recently offered a position as Post-doc research associate at the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy, McGill Universiy (Montreal, Canada),...

Monetizzare l’incommensurabile

    Monetizzare l’incommensurabile: il danno non patrimoniale non biologico     SEMINARIO   nell’ambito dell’edizione 2011 delle Trento Lawtech Seminars Series      TRENTO   The Trento Law and Technology Research Group  Dipartimento di scienze...

Monetizing the incommensurable

    Monetizing the Incommensurable: The Quantification of Non Pecuniary Damages Unrelated to the Clinical Conditions of the Victim     SEMINAR within the 2011 Trento Lawtech Seminars Series      TRENTO   The Trento Law...


    Umberto Izzo ALLE ORIGINI DEL COPYRIGHT E DEL DIRITTO D’AUTORE Tecnologia, interessi e cambiamento giuridico Postfazione di Roberto Caso Biblioteca di testi e studi CAROCCI EDITORE € 25,50 2010  pp. 296  ISBN 9788843053148   SCHEDA VOLUME...

Trento Lawtech Events Series

– University of Trento Department of Legal Sciences – The Law and Technology Research Group Law & Technology Events Scientific Coordinators:  Roberto Caso and Umberto Izzo  

Contact Us

The Law and Technology Research Group @ Department of Juridical Sciences of the University of Trento Via Verdi, 53 38122 Trento (TN) – Italy Email: giuseppe bellantuono;;; How to reach us: Map

Behavioral Contract Law

Cognitive sciences are employed to build the foundations of a new theory of contract grounded on the empirical observation of the behaviour of firms, consumers and public institutions. Topics include:   the relevance of the default...

European Contract Law

Recent developments of European contract law are analyzed from two different perspectives:   the relationship between the national legal traditions in the field of contract law and the regulatory goals of European law the influence of...

Energy Law and Innovation

The fight against global warming asks for radical technological transformations. The shift to low-carbon technologies is the only way to scale down the huge costs of climate change policies. Though, innovation processes do not depend exclusively...

Comparative Analysis of Regulatory Systems

Comparisons of institutional contexts in developed and developing countries are among the top priorities of international organizations like the World Bank, the IMF and the OECD. A fruitful dialogue between comparative lawyers and other social scientists...

Contract Law and Energy Markets

The liberalization/restructuring of energy markets has provoked a deep reorganization of energy chains. Energy contracts became the main tool to coordinate the activities in the wholesale, transport and retail segments. At the same time, energy contracts...


The role that certifications are acquiring in the different chains is one of the most interesting phenomena among those characterizing the agro-food sector. Such increasing use involves two elements strictly intertwined: on one hand, the creation...